
Showing posts from July, 2014

php - Method groups does not exist error in Laravel 5.2 -

i working on laravel 5.2.i want display members belongs particular group open @ time. actually, getting members have stored in database but, want access or display members belongs particular on accessing. getting error: method groups not exist. shown below: my controller: public function members($id){ $dashes=grouptable::findorfail($id); $members=member::all(); return view('members' , ['dashes'=>$dashes,'members'=>$members]); } public function dashboard($id){ $dashes=grouptable::findorfail($id); return view('dashboard' , ['dashes'=>$dashes]); } public function addmembers(request $request){ $member=new member(); $member->members=$request['addmember']; $request->groups()->members()->save($member); return redirect()->back(); } my view: <body> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-3 col-lg-offset-1&qu

ruby - How to solve Mathematical Expressions in Rails 4 like 6000*70%? -

i using dentaku gem solve little complex expressions basic salary 70% of gross salary. formulas user editable worked on dentaku. when write calculator = initialize , enter command calculator.evaluate("60000*70%") error comes below: dentaku::parseerror: dentaku::ast::modulo requires numeric operands /users/sulman/.rbenv/versions/2.2.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/dentaku-2.0.8/lib/dentaku/ast/arithmetic.rb:11:in `initialize' i have array formula stored like: ["earningitem-5","*","6","7","%"] earningitem-5 object , has value 60000 how can resolve such expressions? for particular case can use basic_salary = gross_salary * 0.7 next need create number field in views accepts 0..100 range. @ last, set after_save callback , use code: model after_create :percent_to_float protected def percent_to_float self.percent = percent / 100.0 end edit: of course, can use f

html - Split Multi Scrolling middle of the page with jquery -

i want add multiscroller in site same in following examle: div in middle remains fixed , content scrolls untill content gets end, when content gets end page scrolls next section. searched on google hard find required solution. here 1 example got full screen , doesn't work on middle of page:

jquery - JavaScript variable is "null" -

on line 30 facing issue $.each(, function (). being told console "data null". can explain whats going on? thanks function getfoodmenudata () { var url = 'http://localhost:8888/tom_carp_final_project/chorizios/foodmenu.json'; $.getjson(url, function (data) { window.localstorage.setitem('choriziosmenu333', json.stringify(data)); }); } function showfoodmenudata () { var data = json.parse(window.localstorage.getitem('choriziosmenu333')); var images = ""; $.each(, function () { images += '<li class="list-group-item"><img style="width: 100%;" src= "' + this.url + '"></li>'; images += '<li class="list-group-item">' + this.description + '</li>'; }); $('#foodmenu').append(

Access 2007 - Left Join to a query returns #Error instead of Null -

similar question, problem query never solved: #error showing in multiple left join statement access query when value should null i #error when i'm expecting see null when doing left join there no corresponding record on right hand side of join: chain casespermonthperstore monthoffirstorder naturally 2.3 5/1/2011 tom's market #error livingstons #error everclear 3.1 7/1/2012 bob's market 2.66 5/1/2012 andy's exports #error jamestowns 0.89 7/1/2012 it works fine if copy data table , left join table, assume there wrong in syntax of query: select monthrange.chain, monthrange.casesshipped/iif(monthssincefirstorder.months>datediff("m",querydates.startdate,querydates.enddate)+1, datediff("m",querydates.startdate,querydates.enddate)+1,

Spring SAML redirecs to failureRedirectHandler even on successful authentication -

after successful authentication idp being redirected defaultfailureurl property specified in bean id="failureredirecthandler". though dont have errors in response. saml response : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <saml2p:response xmlns:saml2p="urn:oasis:names:tc:saml:2.0:protocol" destination="" id="_82e963af7e01be8c6b22762ef15b0af4" inresponseto="a40fdeb955aahd123d63ejegi5feh0f" issueinstant="2016-08-08t12:49:33.806z" version="2.0"> <saml2:issuer xmlns:saml2="urn:oasis:names:tc:saml:2.0:assertion"></saml2:issuer> <saml2p:status> <saml2p:statuscode value="urn:oasis:names:tc:saml:2.0:status:success" /> </saml2p:status> <saml2:assertion xmlns:saml2="urn:oasis:names:tc:saml:2.0:asser

symfony - QueryBuilder and entity with ManyToMany relation -

in database, have table user (iduser, name...) , table role(idrole, description..). between 2 of them there link table hasrole (iduser, idrole). generating entity symfony command line, hasrole entity not generated. instead, in user entity have on role property : * @var \doctrine\common\collections\collection * * @orm\manytomany(targetentity="mybundle\entity\role", inversedby="utilisateur") * @orm\jointable(name="hasrole", * joincolumns={ * @orm\joincolumn(name="utilisateur", referencedcolumnname="id") * }, * inversejoincolumns={ * @orm\joincolumn(name="role", referencedcolumnname="id") * } * ) i create in userrepository method returns of users 1 id role. it should starts : $qb = $this->getentitymanager()->createquerybuilder() ->select('utilisateur') ->from('accueilbundle:user', 'utilisateur'); can u ? ty if use do

angularjs - How to get popup when url status success in angular js -

i doing event scheduler app using angular js. in calendar when clicking event sent event id end getting event how pop on calendar when url status true. my code is: $scope.alertoneventclick = function( date, jsevent, view){ var; $"youin-api/v2/business/event_information",{"event_id":event_id}).then(function(response) { if(response.error="true") { $scope.eventinformation= response; } }); }; my bootstrap model pop is: <div class="modal fade" id="addusers" ng-model="eventinformation" role="dialog"> <div class="modal-dialog " style="top:80px;"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">&times;</button> <h4 class="

.net - System.Threading multiple users -

i have been asked add splash page old asp website written in this external facing website accessed thousands of people per day. i have added following methods on click events of link buttons: protected sub linkwelsh_click(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs) handles thread.currentthread.currentuiculture = new cultureinfo("hi-in") response.redirect("~/content/mainpageone.aspx") end sub protected sub linkenglish_click(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs) handles thread.currentthread.currentuiculture = new cultureinfo("en-gb") response.redirect("~/content/mainpageone.aspx") end sub upon testing works fine, , allows me browse beyond mainpageone language consistent. however, question is... if have 100 users simultaneously, , 1 of them clicks welsh link on splash page, ui culture change made current thread relate them, i.e. each new user threa

intellij idea - Scalatest / Sbt / Akka-TestKit Issue in Testing Persistent Actor -

i'm running test akka testkit on persistent actor. an odd problem facing that, despite me, cleaning persistent folders before or after each test, when run full test suite sbt, persistent folders seems not removed. problem, because 1 test scenario next, data persisted carried. when next scenario start, actor recover data previous scenario, falsify test. this happens when run sbt. if run intellij, not have problem, test scenario ran perfectly please see below persistencespec mixin on test. abstract class persistencespec(system: actorsystem) extends testkit(system) implicitsender featurespeclike matchers givenwhenthen beforeandafterall beforeandaftereach persistencecleanup { def this(name: string, config: config) = this(actorsystem(name, config)) override protected def beforeall() = deletestoragelocations() override protected def afterall() = { deletestoragelocations() testkit.shutdownactorsystem(system) } override protected def bef

c++ - Code analysis with Visual studio 2012 -

i trying utilize code analysis first time visual studio 2012. when enable code analysis on build following error 2>c1xxast : fatal error c1250: unable load plug-in ' local_path\packages\microsoft.cppcorecheck.14.0.24210.1\build\native\\espxengine.dll'. is due 2 backward slashes @ end? how fix this? i trying compile in debug mode - x64 configuration. project uses precompiled headers. insights appreciated. thanks the c++ core checker (that microsoft.cppcorecheck nuget package) requires @ least vs2015 update 1, explained in initial blog post . can still run code analysis without c++ core checker, not check many issues. mvc - Get LAST_INSERT_ID from transaction -

i have following code: using (mysqlconnection connection = new mysqlconnection(this.connectionstring)) {; using (mysqltransaction transaction = connection.begintransaction()) { var r = connection.execute(@"insert tablea (`listid`, `parentlistid`, `name`, `userid`) values (null, @parentlistid, @name, @userid); insert `tablea_misc` (`listid`, `userid`, `permissions`) values (last_insert_id(), @ownerid, 'read'); select cast(last_insert_id() unsigned integer);", new { parentlistid = _parentlistid, name = _name, userid = _currentuser.user_id

c# - System.IndexOutOfRangeException in function for findinding words in text with IndexOf -

i got function finding word in text indexof returning list of objects fields word , quantity,i want use function different text , words im creating task , getting indexoutofrange on line : var r = check_text(tnw.text[i], word); for more understand thats function: public static list<wordsinf> check_text(string text,string[] words) { list<wordsinf> result = new list<wordsinf>(); var pos = 0; var quantity = 0; foreach (string wf in words) { pos = 0; quantity = 0; while (true) { var foundpos = text.indexof(wf, pos); if (foundpos == -1) { break; } pos = foundpos + 1; if (foundpos >= 0) { quantity++; } } result.add(new wordsinf(wf, quantity)); } return result;

php - Selecting records older than 15 days ago -

how can display records older 15 days ago column updatetime ? code $conn = mysql_connect($servername,$database_username,$database_password); $sql = 'select * user_shift_test2'; $result = mysql_query( $sql, $conn ); if(! $result ) { die('could not data: ' . mysql_error()); } $i=1; while loop fetching rows while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, mysql_assoc)) { echo '<tr>'; $res = $row['userid']; echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='chk[]' value='$res'></td>"; echo "<td>{$row['userid']} <br> </td>". "<td>{$row['id']} <br> </td>". "<td>{$row['name']} <br> </td>". "<td>{$row['shifttime']} <br> </td>". "<td

javascript - Uncaught ReferenceError: videojs is not defined. videojs async loading -

so have js file follows:- (function(){ console.log("starting point"); // creating , appending scripts dynamically function createscript(src) { console.log("script js"); var script = document.createelement('script'); script.src = src; document.getelementsbytagname('head')[0].appendchild(script); } // end script tags here function createlink(href) { console.log("script links"); var link = document.createelement('link'); link.href = href; link.rel = "stylesheet"; link.type = "type/css"; document.getelementsbytagname('head')[0].appendchild(link); } // div 1 // create main div hold createscript(''); createscript('lib/videojs-contrib-ads/'); createscript('lib/vast-client.js'

multithreading - gpars to create parallel jobs in pipeline plugin for jenkins -

my environment tibco, have 200 300 services. design needs trigger 'stop' command these services parallely. please provide insight how deal(code) threading mechanism within gpars. examples help. gparspool.withpool(preverifymanager.threads){ servicepathlist.eachparallel{ initiateapplicationdowntime(it) } } i totally new bee groovy, after 2 months of learning, researching , working, fit requirement

How to update a dataframe in Pandas Python -

i have following 2 dataframes in pandas: df1: authorid1 authorid2 co-authored a1 a2 0 a1 a3 0 a1 a4 0 a2 a3 0 df2: authorid1 authorid2 co-authored a1 a2 5 a2 a3 6 a6 a7 9 i (without looping , comparing) find matching authorid1 , authorid2 pairing in df2 exist in df1 , update column values accordingly. result above 2 tables following: resulting updated df1: authorid1 authorid2 co-authored a1 a2 5 a1 a3 0 a1 a4 0 a2 a3 6 is there fast way this? have 7 millions rows in df1 , looping , comparing take forever. update: note last 2 in df2 should not part of update in df1 since doesn't exist in df1 you can use update : df1.update(df2) print (df1) authorid1 authorid2 co-authored 0 a1 a2 5.0 1 a2 a3 6.0 2 a1 a4 0.0 3

python - How to limit memory usage ofPython _ pandas -

currently using panda operation merge 2 csv file take around 4.6 gb ram want limit ram usage 2 gb java -xmax , -xmin is way so thanks in advance use setrlimit : import resource rsrc = resource.rlimit_data soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(rsrc) print 'soft limit starts :', soft resource.setrlimit(rsrc, (1024, hard)) #limit 1 kilobyte soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(rsrc) print 'soft limit changed :', soft edit : actually, i'm not sure if setrlimit controls cpu or ram usage. shell, make use of ulimit : ulimit -v 128k python ulimit -v unlimited edit : please note linux systems, , i'm not sure how this, or if it's possible on windows.

css - JavaFX - Cannot load image from within project -

my javafx project can load image in 1 machine, same code cannot load image in machine. i have package structure (in src) - /com/mypackagestructure/view/images/ , holds image file. i have css file @ - /com/mypackagestructure/view/login.css login.css .root { -fx-background-image: url("/com/mypackagestructure/view/images/background.jpg"); -fx-background-repeat: stretch; -fx-background-size: 100%; -fx-background-color: transparent; } i have exact same code in machine (same os, same eclipse ide , jdk/jre (1.8) installed) , works on there. in machine following message- aug 08, 2016 3:36:39 pm com.sun.javafx.css.stylemanager getcachedimage warning: error loading image: file:/com/mypackagestructure/view/images/background.jpg in css if make following change, works. -fx-background-image: url("images/background.jpg"); what wrong way of referencing image file? , why work on 1 machine , not in other? i have experienced same proble

Using matlab function in simulink error -

i'm new simulink need use matlab function. i created "matlab function1" block 1 input (a time signal comes block) , 1 output (three signals wrapped in matrix shown in scope block). here code inside matlab function block: function outputsignal = myfunction(input_signal) coder.extrinsic('lsim'); time = [1:1:length(input_signal)]; k_dia = [19.5 13 9.9]; k_dia = k_dia*10^-3; outputsignal = zeros(length(time), length(k_dia)); j = 1:length(k_dia) = [-k_dia(j) 0; k_dia(j) -k_dia(j)]; b = [1 0]'; c = [1 1]; d = 0; sistem = feval('ss', a, b, c, d); outputsignal(:,j) = lsim(sistem, input_signal, time); end end previously had problems using functions "ss" , "lsim" because of code generation problems, should have solved them using feval , coder.extrinsic. have following error: when simulating response specific input signal, input data u must matrix of numeric values @ least 2 rows (samples) , without n

html - Distributing width of css class only to selected column where width is in both '%' and 'px' -

i have css class in width attribute set in both percentage , pixel. example .v_sn{width:43px;} .v_comp{width:5%; display:none !important;} .v_sts{width:67px;} .v_no{width:120px;} .v_ign{width:19px; cursor:default;} .v_pwr{width:25px; cursor:default;} .v_ac{width:15px; cursor:default;} .v_gps{width:22px; cursor:default;} .v_dura{width:82px;} .v_spd{width:68px;} .v_loc{width:24%;} .v_poi{width:24%;} .v_info{width:3%; cursor:default;} .v_path{width:3%; cursor:default;} i have used class set width of table's columns. what want when hide column clicking on column, width of column should distributed specific column. in case want distribute width(width of hidden column) in column having class ".v_no",".v_loc" , ".v_poi".

python - Check for letter after a substring -

i'm trying find way check letter after sub-string. have searched both on internet , google. if sub-string is: sub , , text is: substrings cool , should return true , if text is: sub dafdgnjgf should return false . if you're looking any valid letter after given sub-string, can first find position of sub-string inside string str.find , check if index after sub-string matches ascii_letters string : from string import ascii_letters sub = 'sub' s = 'substrings cool' now, check can this, index string after @ position str.find(sub) + len(sub) i.e position after sub-string: if s[s.find(sub) + len(sub)] in ascii_letters: print(true) else: print(false) this prints true if sub followed letter, if not: s = 'sub dafdgnjgf' it prints false .

html - The bootstrap dropdown doesn't pop up -

i created dropdown menu in bootstrap in html. button appears , caret. menu doesnt pop up. here code: .dropdown { color: #666666; font-size: 11px; } .dropdown .btn-default { background: #f2f2f2; color: black; border: none; border-radius: 0px; width: 150px; height: 20px; padding-top: 3px; margin-top: -2px; margin-bottom: 3px; font-size: 11px; } .dropdown .btn-default, .dropdown .btn-default:focus { background-color: coral; color: black; } .dropdown .btn-default:active, .dropdown .btn-default .dropdown-toggle:active, .dropdown .btn-default:hover { background-color: coral; color: black; } <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <link href="" rel="style

yii1.x - How to solve warning htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given in yii1? -

my controller code below.what htmlspecialchars() in code. public function actionadmin() { $model=new taskassigndevloper('search'); $model->unsetattributes(); // clear default values if(isset($_get['taskassigndevloper'])) $model->attributes=$_get['taskassigndevloper']; $this->render('admin',array( 'model'=>$model, )); } my view file code <?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.cgridview', array( 'id'=>'task-assign-devloper-grid', 'dataprovider'=>$model->search(), 'filter'=>$model, 'columns'=>array( 'id', 'teamleader0', 'task0.title', 'developer0.username', 'description', array( 'class'=>'cbuttoncolumn', ), ), )); ?> in view file, have made relations. if relation doesn't have match table give type of error. for

android - Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesAndResourcesWithProguardForArmRelease' -

build not generating i using espresso automated testing build not generating. , found error generated when below mentioned dependency included. compile '' not sure, reason error. here stack trace information:gradle tasks [:app:assemblearmrelease] warning:org.hamcrest.integration.easymock2adapter: can't find superclass or interface org.easymock.iargumentmatcher warning:org.hamcrest.integration.jmock1adapter: can't find superclass or interface org.jmock.core.constraint warning:library class android.test.androidtestcase extends or implements program class junit.framework.testcase warning:library class android.test.androidtestrunner extends or implements program class junit.runner.basetestrunner warning:library class android.test.instrumentationtestcase extends or implements program class junit.framework.testcase warning:library class android.test.instrumentationtestsuite extends or implements program c

search - PHP find element value in multi-dimension session array -

i have below multi-dimension session array store cart items, want search whether price in cart list contain price 0.00 , if yes, want return true , url redirection. array ( [0] => array ( [p_name] => product 01 [p_id] => 123 [p_price] => 0.00 [p_alt-variation-1] => blue [p_alt-variation-2] => l [p_qty] => 1 ) [1] => array ( [p_name] => product 02 [p_id] => 124 [p_price] => 13.00 [p_qty] => 1 ) [2] => array ( [p_name] => product 03 [p_id] => 125 [p_price] => 99.00 [p_qty] => 2 ) ) i've try : $key = array_search(0.00, array_column($_session['products'], 'p_price')); echo $key; if($key === true){ //redirect url } it end displayed 0 , means? you should start beginning

javascript - Object with another's object's property as a key -

i have object this: var myobj = {action1:0, action2:1, action3:2}; test function gets values list parameters , simplify unit-testing want human readable labels inside of function function myfunc(someaction, anotheraction, blablabla) { console.log("action: " + arguments[0] + " action: " + arguments[1]); //some code here } so inside of function can see values 0 1 2 trying workaround tried create new object this var dictobj = {myobj.action1:"action1", myobj.action2:"action2", myobj.action3:"action3"} and resolve values names inside of function: console.log("action: " + dictobj[arguments[0]] + " action: " + dictobj[arguments[1]]); but didn't work because of 'uncaught syntaxerror: unexpected token .' how can rework code readable description? in es5 , earlier, have create object series of statements: var dictobj = {}; dictobj[myobj.action1] = "action1"; dic

qtquick2 - QtQuick custom OpenGL rendering -

i using qtquick custom opengl renderer (custom point of view of qtquick openscenegraph ). in order create custom qquickitem inheriting qquickframebufferobject , in turns creates custom renderer inheriting qquickframebufferobject::renderer in qquickframebufferobject::createrenderer() . documented , there no problem these steps. now happens in order later accessed, renderer created in qquickframebufferobject::createrenderer() cached (it instantiated in qquickframebufferobject constructor , returned in qquickframebufferobject::createrenderer() . works fine , can see no straightforward other way code created renderer later used react events such geometrychanged or mousepressevent , e.g. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void osgitem::geometrychanged(const qrectf& newgeometry, const qrectf& oldgeometry) { if (m_renderer) m_renderer->m_window->geteventqueue()->windowresize(newgeometry.x(), newgeometry.

html - How to apply orphans on table rows -

i need display 3 rows on first page of pdf: example of table here: <table> <thead> <tr> <td> medication: </td> <td> formulation: </td> <td> route: </td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td> lorem ipsum </td> <td> lorem ipsum </td> <td> lorem ipsum </td> </tr> <tr> <td> lorem ipsum </td> <td> lorem ipsum </td> <td> lorem ipsum </td> </tr> <tr> <td> lorem ipsu

backbone.js - How to filter collection based on another collection using underscore.js -

i have collection called `mainitems`` this.mainitems; which contains 18 models. , 1 more collection object contains selected items: this.seleteditems; i need filter main collection object based on other collection. i have tried below approach: var = this; var model = _.reject(that.filtereditems.models, function(model1){ return _.filter(that.collection.models, function(model2) { return ==; }); }); but approach not working properly. possible filter main items avoiding second iteration ? please help! you can use underscore's methods proxied backbone simplify filter. for example, list models in mainitems without models in selecteditems , use // reject models found in selecteditems var filtered = mainitems.reject(function(m) { return selecteditems.get(; }); note collection.get hash lookup, making backbone equivalent the answer pointed @gruffbunny in comments. and demo var ma

postgresql - How to get matching data from other table? -

using postgres, have 2 tables: the first called territories columns sid, agent , postcode. the second called postcodes, columns id, postcode , geometry. how can put geometry column data table postcodes table territories matching postcode? in query: select t.*, p.geometry territories t left join postcodes p on t.postcode=p.postcode thats works if there not duplicateds postcodes in postcodes table. if want update table territories, first add column , update it: update territories t set geometry = p.geometry postcodes p t.postcode=p.postcode

javascript - how to use multipal components in angular2 -

i new in angular2 , trying use 2 components in single page gives me 404 error . this 2 .ts files app.ts import {component, view, bootstrap} 'angular2/angular2'; import {events} './event.component'; @component( { selector: 'contact' }) @view({ templateurl: './travel operator/login.html', directives: [events] }) export class contact { } bootstrap(contact); and event.component.ts import {component, view, bootstrap} "angular2/angular2"; @component( { selector: 'events' }) @view({ template: '<h1>hello world</h1>' }) export class events { } } bootstrap(events); and trying use on main index.html file like <html> <body> <h1>first angular app</h1> <div id="content"> <contact></contact> </div> <div id="events"> <events><

python - Odd character popping up when writing to a file -

new python. i'm testing out files , i'm trying number (taken raw input) written file. want function i've made take number it's input parameter , perform equation it. for reason though, when writing file strange character pops up. when tried copy-paste up, copied weird block of numbers or empty space. weird character in notepad here code far: def function(x): y = x + 1 return y input = raw_input('number?') open('in_test.txt','w+') infile_test: infile_test.write(input) lines = infile_test.readline() lines_int = [int(x) x in lines.split()] print str(lines_int) f_test = function(lines_int) print str(f_test) i've tried changing file format r+, checking encoding type in notepad (ansi), , looking error comes up. lines_int = [int(x) x in lines.split()] valueerror: invalid literal int() base 10: '\x02' i'm assuming error caused weird character i'm not sure what's causing weird characte

java - How to get the number that is being dialed the , the outgoing number in android -

i keep getting value of null on outgoing number have tried couple solutions web . in manifest have these relevant lines <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.read_phone_state" ></uses-permission> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.process_outgoing_calls" > </uses-permission> <receiver android:name=".home.outgoingreceiver" android:exported="true"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.phone_state" > <action android:name="android.intent.action.new_outgoing_call" /> </action> </intent-filter> </receiver> my receiver looks likes , notice have been trying retrieve number in various ways here keep getting null value public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) { if (intent.getaction().equals(intent.action_ne