php - Signature does not match in Amazon Web Services -

i writing php code amazon web services. code.

<?php  function amazonencode($text) {     $encodedtext = "";     $j = strlen($text);     ($i = 0; $i < $j; $i++) {         $c = substr($text, $i, 1);         if (!preg_match("/[a-za-z0-9-_.~]/", $c)) {             $encodedtext .= sprintf("%%%02x", ord($c));         } else {             $encodedtext .= $c;         }     }     return $encodedtext; }  function amazonsign($url, $secretaccesskey) {     // 0. append timestamp parameter     $url .= "&timestamp=" . gmdate("y-m-dth:i:sz");     // 1a. sort utf-8 query string components parameter name     $urlparts = parse_url($url);     parse_str($urlparts["query"], $queryvars);     ksort($queryvars);     // 1b. url encode parameter name , values     $encodedvars = array();     foreach ($queryvars $key => $value) {         $encodedvars[amazonencode($key)] = amazonencode($value);     }     // 1c. 1d. reconstruct encoded query     $encodedqueryvars = array();     foreach ($encodedvars $key => $value) {         $encodedqueryvars[] = $key . "=" . $value;     }     $encodedquery = implode("&", $encodedqueryvars);     // 2. create string sign     $stringtosign = "get";     $stringtosign .= "n" . strtolower($urlparts["host"]);     $stringtosign .= "n" . $urlparts["path"];     $stringtosign .= "n" . $encodedquery;     // 3. calculate rfc 2104-compliant hmac string created,     //    secret access key key, , sha256 hash algorithm.     if (function_exists("hash_hmac")) {         $hmac = hash_hmac("sha256", $stringtosign, $secretaccesskey, true);     } elseif (function_exists("mhash")) {         $hmac = mhash(mhash_sha256, $stringtosign, $secretaccesskey);     } else {         die("no hash function available!");     }     // 4. convert resulting value base64     $hmacbase64 = base64_encode($hmac);     // 5. use resulting value value of signature request parameter     // (url encoded per step 1b)     $url .= "&signature=" . amazonencode($hmacbase64);     echo $url; }  $url = ''; $secret_key = 'my_secret_key'; $url = amazonsign($url, $secret_key); ?> 

this code returns me url. use url inside browser can search results using url gives me error.

signaturedoesnotmatchthe request signature calculated not match signature provided. check aws secret access key , signing method. consult service documentation details.

i using these awsaccesskeyid , secret_key.

enter image description here

it's $stringtosign .= "n" should $stringtosign .= "\n" might not problem. if use official php sdk amazon instead of relying on custom scripts you'll have less issues.


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