ruby on rails - Sass::SyntaxError: Undefined variable. But variable is defined -

i'm crashing head on wall stupid scss error:

sass::syntaxerror: undefined variable: "$darker-grey" app/assets/stylesheets/mobile/general.scss:36 app/assets/stylesheets/mobile/main.scss:6 

in main scss file have:

@import "compass"; @import "compass/reset"; @import "bourbon"; @import "mobile/variables.scss"; @import "mobile/mixins.scss"; @import "mobile/general.scss"; @import "mobile/general-profile.scss"; @import "mobile/buttons.scss"; @import "mobile/form.scss"; 

variables imported before every other file use them.

this variables file.

/**************************************************** * * varibles * ****************************************************/ $imgs: "mobile/";  /**************************************************** *  colors ****************************************************/  $background-color : #ffffff; $foreground-color : #1f1f1f;  $light-gray  : #f7f7f7; $medium-gray : #d6d6d6; $gray        : #a3a3a3; $gray-alt    : #3e3e3e; $dark-gray   : #2b2b2b; $darker-gray : #1f1f1f; $sponsored-gray : #e7e7e7; $green      : #82aa1e; $dark-green : #0f6b18; $orange     : #e25000;  /**************************************************** *  fonts ****************************************************/ $font-regular : "proxima-nova", arial, sans-serif; $font-condensed : "proxima-nova-extra-condensed", arial, sans-serif;  /**************************************************** *  fonts size ****************************************************/ $font-smaller : 0.5em; $font-small   : 0.75em; $font-base    : 1em; $font-big     : 1.8em; $font-bigger  : 2.6em;  $font-footer-copy : 12px; $font-title-page  : 32px;  /**************************************************** *  z-index ****************************************************/ $z-i-base           : 1; $z-i-banner-comment : $z-i-base + 1; $z-i-header-menu    : $z-i-banner-comment + 1; $z-i-icon-hamburger : $z-i-header-menu + 1;  $z-i-modal : 100; $z-i-btn-close : $z-i-modal + 1; $z-i-modal-banner-comment : $z-i-btn-close + 1; 

the error returned on rule:

extracted source (around line #36):    font-size   : $font-small;   font-weight : 300;   color       : $darker-grey;   @include display-flex();   @include flex-flow(column); 

why $font-small, declared in same file, ok $darker-grey no???

you have mistake: $darker-grey -> $darker-gray


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