swift - UITableView row won't removed after being deleted -

i'm having problem after had deleted tableview row, row won't removed, here code, had follow tutorial online, , delete data model, won't dismiss deleted row unless unwind previous screen , view, why it? :

func tableview(tableview: uitableview, caneditrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) -> bool {     return true }  func tableview(tableview: uitableview, commiteditingstyle editingstyle: uitableviewcelleditingstyle, forrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) {      if (editingstyle == uitableviewcelleditingstyle.delete) {          let product = frc.objectatindexpath(indexpath) as! product          let productname = product.name          let message = (mclocalization.sharedinstance.stringforkey("cart_remove_one_item_message",  replacements: ["%s" : productname!]))         let alert = uialertcontroller(title: (mclocalization.sharedinstance.stringforkey("cart_remove_title")), message: message, preferredstyle: uialertcontrollerstyle.alert)          let okaction = uialertaction(title: "ok", style: uialertactionstyle.default, handler: {             (_)in              let managedobject : nsmanagedobject = self.frc.objectatindexpath(indexpath) as! nsmanagedobject             self.moc.deleteobject(managedobject)             self.tableview.reloaddata()              {                 try self.moc.save()               } catch {                 print("failed save.")                 return             }         })          alert.addaction(okaction)         alert.addaction(uialertaction(title: "cancel", style: uialertactionstyle.cancel, handler: nil))         self.presentviewcontroller(alert, animated: false, completion: nil)     }   } 

you need remove object array reload tableview after moc.save() successfully.

let managedobject : nsmanagedobject = self.frc.objectatindexpath(indexpath) as! nsmanagedobject self.moc.deleteobject(managedobject) {    try self.moc.save()  } catch {     print("failed save.")     return } 

edit: need add in question using nsfetchedresultscontroller, think have set delegate self.frc.delegate = self, add delegate method remove reloaddata there no need now.

func controllerwillchangecontent(controller: nsfetchedresultscontroller) {     tableview.beginupdates() }  func controllerdidchangecontent(controller: nsfetchedresultscontroller) {     tableview.endupdates() }  func controller(controller: nsfetchedresultscontroller, didchangeobject anobject: anyobject, atindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath?, forchangetype type: nsfetchedresultschangetype, newindexpath: nsindexpath?) {     switch type {     case .insert:         tableview.insertrowsatindexpaths([newindexpath!], withrowanimation: .automatic)     case .delete:         tableview.deleterowsatindexpaths([indexpath!], withrowanimation: .automatic)     default: break     } } 

fore more detail nsfetchedresultscontroller check tutorials you.


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