ios8 - Missing DYSM Error on multiple Target in Fabric and Objective C -

in app there 2 targets:

 target 1 : myapp -  target 2 : myappqa  - 

email id used fabric registration same both targets.

i have created 2 apps using fabric mac app.

in myapp target fabric catching crash , working fine. when run using target myappqa getting missing dysm file error.

enter image description here

i not able why crash not captured in second target.

here method tried:

  1. bitcode - disabled (although not using bitcode crosschecked)

  2. debug information format - set dwarf dsym file (both release , debug)

  3. tried uploading manually dysm file (i got dysm file archiving project , selection showpackagecontents right clickmenu)

i have tried possible solution available on internet. , don't want manually update dysm don't have itunesconnect account right now.

step integrate crashlytics:-

1.add below cocoa pod

pod 'fabric' pod 'crashlytics' 

2.add run script build phase(for step must have login fabric api key)

"${pods_root}/fabric/run" 8252525b24e2d6fagsdg101ea7faf49edefa84ff3ec342b0dgsdrergadc2bd8agsdg50671jhga2ee8c017ddgsdg33fbbb 

3.add api key info.plist file

 <key>fabric</key>     <dict>      <key>apikey</key>      <string>your_key</string>      <key>kits</key>         <array>          <dict>             <key>kitinfo</key>          <dict/>         <key>kitname</key>             <string>crashlytics</string>         </dict>         </array>     </dict> 

4.add below code in appdelegate file


#import <fabric/fabric.h> #import <crashlytics/crashlytics.h> 


- (bool)application:(uiapplication *)application didfinishlaunchingwithoptions:(nsdictionary *)launchoptions {     [fabric with:@[[crashlytics class]]] } 

5.for force crash write below code on button click event of view controller,can not write app delegate file

[[crashlytics sharedinstance] crash]; 

6.change build setting:

 click on project target >>   build setting >>  chnage value of “debug information format” set “dwarf dsym file”  click on project >>   build setting >>  chnage value of “debug information format” set “dwarf dsym file” crash app

 xcode's debugger prevents processing crash reports.     make sure crash reported during simulator testing:    ⁃    launch simulator (run project , install app in simulator)    ⁃    press stop (stop xcode )    ⁃    launch app , force crash (now not run project, open simulator , launch app simulator , press button u write code crash ` [[crashlytics sharedinstance] crash];`)    ⁃    relaunch app simulator (again run app simulator not xcode project)    ⁃    see crash report in web dashboard 


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