Programmatically add multiple images to a single product in magento -

the product id given multiple images need added in magento.

$count = 0; $imgarray  = array($fpath.'configurable.png'); foreach ($imgarray $image){     $imgurl = _save_image( $image,$objectmanager );            if ($count == 0){         $configproduct->addimagetomediagallery( $imgurl , $mediaattribute, true, false );      }else {         $configproduct->addimagetomediagallery( $imgurl , null, true, false );     }     $count++;   } 

$objectmanager = \magento\framework\app\objectmanager::getinstance(); $product = $objectmanager->create('magento\catalog\model\product')->load($productid); // load product object $mediaattribute = array ('thumbnail','small_image','image');  $mediadir = $objectmanager->get('magento\framework\app\filesystem\directorylist')->getpath('media');// im magento 2 $mediadir = mage::getbasedir('media');// in magento 1      //case 1: when image files alredy in server $fpath = 'product/images/';// path file $count = 0; $imgarray  = array('image1.png','image2.png','image3.png','image4.png'); foreach ($imgarray $image){     $imgurl = _save_image( $fpath.$image,$objectmanager,$mediadir );// copies file local storage  your-magento-root-path/pub/media        if ($count == 0){         $product->addimagetomediagallery( $imgurl , $mediaattribute, true, false );      }else {         $product->addimagetomediagallery( $imgurl , null, true, false );     }     $count++;   }  function _save_image($img,$objectmanager,$mediadir) {     $imagefilename      = basename($img);         $image_type         = substr(strrchr($imagefilename,"."),1); //find image extension     $filename           = md5($img . strtotime('now')).'.'.$image_type; //give new name, can modify per requirement       if (!file_exists($mediadir)) mkdir($mediadir, 0777, true);     else chmod($mediadir, 0777);      $filepath           = $mediadir . '/'. $filename; //path temp storage folder: pub/media     file_put_contents($filepath, file_get_contents(trim($img))); //store image external url temp storage folder     return $filepath; }          //case 2: when have browse images form. (then save server , ) if(!empty($imagefile)){     $count = 0;     if (!file_exists($mediadir)) mkdir($mediadir, 0777, true);     else chmod($mediadir, 0777);      foreach($imagefile['name'] $k2=>$v2){             if($imagefile['error'][$k2] == 0 && file_exists($imagefile['tmp_name'][$k2])){             $ext[$k2] = pathinfo($imagefile['name'][$k2], pathinfo_extension);             $filename[$k2] = md5(strtotime('now')).'.'.$ext[$k2];                $filepath[$k2] = $mediadir .'/'. $filename[$k2];              $bin_string[$k2] = file_get_contents($imagefile['tmp_name'][$k2]);             file_put_contents($filepath[$k2], $bin_string[$k2]);              if ($count == 0) :                 $product[$k]->addimagetomediagallery( $filepath[$k2] , $mediaattribute, true, false );              else :                 $product[$k]->addimagetomediagallery( $filepath[$k2] , null, true, false );             endif;             $count++;            }     } } 


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