Unable to compile procedure(oracle) in Symfony 1.2 -

  • my procedure script :-

      $person_id='****';   $branch_code='****';       $dbh = propel::getconnection('propel');   $stmt = $dbh->prepare("begin create_retired_employment(:p_person_id,:p_branch_code,:p_error); end;");   $stmt->bindparam(':p_person_id',    $person_id,     pdo::param_str, 1000);   $stmt->bindparam(':p_branch_code',  $branch_code,  pdo::param_str, 1000);   $stmt->bindparam(':p_error',     $v_status,     pdo::param_str|pdo::param_input_output, 10000);    $stmt->execute(); 
  • no error show in log file

  • procedure working fine direct run in pl/sql :-

     set serveroutput on;      declare v_err_ms varchar2(200);  begin   create_retired_employment(  '****',  '****',  p_error=>v_err_ms);  dbms_output.put_line('data=>'||v_err_ms);   end;   / 
  • please me wrong in symfony 1.2 procedure code

i have fixed issue.third variable use if error in procedure not error in procedure remove variable in procedure , commit.this working fine.

  • this current script working fine:

         $person_id="****";      $branch_code="****";      $dbh = propel::getconnection('propel');   $stmt = $dbh->prepare("begin    create_retired_employment(:p_person_id,:p_branch_code); end;");   $stmt->bindparam(':p_person_id',    $person_id,    pdo::param_str|pdo::param_input_output, 1000);   $stmt->bindparam(':p_branch_code',  $branch_code,  pdo::param_str|pdo::param_input_output, 1000);    $stmt->execute(); 


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