vba - Paste Lotus Notes email body with Hyperlink to Word Document -

i trying paste lotus notes email body word document , i'm successful in doing that. when paste content word not show hyperlinks, paste text. below have tried far. want hyperlinks body of email pasted word document.

set nsession = createobject("notes.notessession")  set nmaildb = nsession.getdatabase("", "")    if not nmaildb.isopen   nmaildb.openmail   end if   set ndocs = nmaildb.getview(view)  ndocs.clear    if filtertext <> ""   ndocs.ftsearch filtertext, 0   end if   set ndoc = ndocs.getfirstdocument    until left(ndoc.getitemvalue("posteddate")(0), 8) <> left(now(), 8)   set nnextdoc = ndocs.getnextdocument(ndoc)   if left(ndoc.getitemvalue("posteddate")(0), 8) = left(now(), 8)        if instr(3, ndoc.getitemvalue("from")(0), "from", vbtextcompare) > 0            set nitem = ndoc.getfirstitem("body")           set wrdapp = createobject("word.application")          set wrddoc = wrdapp.documents.open("c:\https.docm")          wrdapp.visible = true          set objselection = wrdapp.selection           objselection.typetext ndoc.getitemvalue("body")(0)  

you using getitemvalue method in notesdocument class. documentation method says return type when method used on rich text field "array of strings. text in item, rendered plain text."

getting formatted text out of notes document difficult, requiring dealing fact notes can use 2 different formats storing formatted text. mime format, possible the notesmimeentity class , it's associated methods @ html-formatted text. rich text format, notesrichtext class provides limited access working rich text , best done using third party tools midas rich text api.


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