c++ - Using std::bind to bind parameters and object instance separately -

is possible bind arguments member function call, , later bind target object separately?

what trying achieve helper function receives function arbitrary arguments argument, , executes on items in collection.

void sometype::work(uint a, uint b, uint c) {     //do }  template<typename function, class container> void execute(const function& fn, const container& collection) {     for(auto& item : collection)     {         auto bound = std::bind(fn, &item);         bound();     } }  void test() {     //eg. container = vector of sometype     auto fn = std::bind(&sometype::work, 10, 20, 30);     execute(fn, container); } 

this failing error within functional:

error c2064: term not evaluate function taking 3 arguments 

eventually pointing at:

see reference function template instantiation 'void execute<std::_bind<true,void,std::_pmf_wrap<void (__thiscall sometype::* )(uint,uint,uint),void,sometype,uint,uint,uint>,uint &,uint &,uint &>>(const function &)' being compiled [     function=std::_bind<true,void,std::_pmf_wrap<void (__thiscall sometype::* )(uint,uint,uint),void,sometype,uint,uint,uint>,uint &,uint &,uint &> ] 

i worked around passing in lambda captures desired values , executes desired function on object passed it. i'm still left wondering if binding functions way has legs , going wrong, or if it's not doable.

you should leave placeholder target object bound @ 2nd time binding, when bind member function sometype::work().

try this:

using namespace std::placeholders; auto fn = std::bind(&sometype::work, _1, 10, 20, 30);                                      ~~ 



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