scoring - Solr results show hyphenated words first -

i have following problem: search term , results. fine. if term exists hyphenated word in solr index, result containing word higher score/ shown on top of results.

i have tried change third result entry of search , changed not hyphenated wort hyphenated one. , after reindexing document , searching same term expect same scoring before. document changed word on first place.

text fieldtype looks following in schema.xml:

 <fieldtype name="text" class="solr.textfield" sortmissinglast="true"  positionincrementgap="100">    <analyzer>       <tokenizer class="solr.whitespacetokenizerfactory" />       <filter class="solr.stopfilterfactory" ignorecase="true" words="stopwords-de.txt" />       <filter class="solr.worddelimiterfilterfactory" generatewordparts="1" generatenumberparts="1" splitoncasechange="0" splitonnumerics="0" catenatewords="1" catenatenumbers="0" catenateall="1" stemenglishpossessive="1" preserveoriginal="1" />       <filter class="solr.germannormalizationfilterfactory" />       <filter class="solr.lowercasefilterfactory" />       <filter class="solr.worddelimiterfilterfactory" catenateall="1" preserveoriginal="1" />    </analyzer>  </fieldtype> 

does know why causes different results? appreciate help.

update: executed search query "meyer" before word hyphenated. got following result:

<lst name="debug">   <str name="rawquerystring">meyer</str>   <str name="querystring">meyer</str>   <str name="parsedquery">(+disjunctionmaxquery((content:meyer | title:meyer | keywords:meyer | h1:meyer | description:meyer | browsertitle:meyer^3)))/no_coord</str>   <str name="parsedquery_tostring">+(content:meyer | title:meyer | keywords:meyer | h1:meyer | description:meyer | browsertitle:meyer^3)</str>   <lst name="explain">     <str name="id1"> 2.1717649 = max of:   0.471918 = weight(content:meyer in 26) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.471918 = score(doc=26,freq=4.0), product of:       0.32961872 = queryweight, product of:         5.726835 = idf(docfreq=15, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       1.4317087 = fieldweight in 26, product of:         2.0 = tf(freq=4.0), freq of:           4.0 = termfreq=4.0         5.726835 = idf(docfreq=15, maxdocs=1807)         0.125 = fieldnorm(doc=26)   0.9652289 = weight(title:meyer in 26) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.9652289 = score(doc=26,freq=1.0), product of:       0.33333334 = queryweight, product of:         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       2.8956866 = fieldweight in 26, product of:         1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:           1.0 = termfreq=1.0         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.5 = fieldnorm(doc=26)   0.9652289 = weight(description:meyer in 26) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.9652289 = score(doc=26,freq=1.0), product of:       0.33333334 = queryweight, product of:         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       2.8956866 = fieldweight in 26, product of:         1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:           1.0 = termfreq=1.0         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.5 = fieldnorm(doc=26)   2.1717649 = weight(browsertitle:meyer^3.0 in 26) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     2.1717649 = fieldweight in 26, product of:       1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:         1.0 = termfreq=1.0       5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)       0.375 = fieldnorm(doc=26) </str>     <str name="id2"> 2.1717649 = max of:   0.471918 = weight(content:meyer in 222) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.471918 = score(doc=222,freq=4.0), product of:       0.32961872 = queryweight, product of:         5.726835 = idf(docfreq=15, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       1.4317087 = fieldweight in 222, product of:         2.0 = tf(freq=4.0), freq of:           4.0 = termfreq=4.0         5.726835 = idf(docfreq=15, maxdocs=1807)         0.125 = fieldnorm(doc=222)   0.9652289 = weight(title:meyer in 222) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.9652289 = score(doc=222,freq=1.0), product of:       0.33333334 = queryweight, product of:         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       2.8956866 = fieldweight in 222, product of:         1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:           1.0 = termfreq=1.0         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.5 = fieldnorm(doc=222)   0.9652289 = weight(description:meyer in 222) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.9652289 = score(doc=222,freq=1.0), product of:       0.33333334 = queryweight, product of:         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       2.8956866 = fieldweight in 222, product of:         1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:           1.0 = termfreq=1.0         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.5 = fieldnorm(doc=222)   2.1717649 = weight(browsertitle:meyer^3.0 in 222) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     2.1717649 = fieldweight in 222, product of:       1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:         1.0 = termfreq=1.0       5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)       0.375 = fieldnorm(doc=222) </str>     <str name="id3"> 2.1717649 = max of:   0.471918 = weight(content:meyer in 234) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.471918 = score(doc=234,freq=4.0), product of:       0.32961872 = queryweight, product of:         5.726835 = idf(docfreq=15, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       1.4317087 = fieldweight in 234, product of:         2.0 = tf(freq=4.0), freq of:           4.0 = termfreq=4.0         5.726835 = idf(docfreq=15, maxdocs=1807)         0.125 = fieldnorm(doc=234)   0.9652289 = weight(title:meyer in 234) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.9652289 = score(doc=234,freq=1.0), product of:       0.33333334 = queryweight, product of:         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       2.8956866 = fieldweight in 234, product of:         1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:           1.0 = termfreq=1.0         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.5 = fieldnorm(doc=234)   0.9652289 = weight(description:meyer in 234) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.9652289 = score(doc=234,freq=1.0), product of:       0.33333334 = queryweight, product of:         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       2.8956866 = fieldweight in 234, product of:         1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:           1.0 = termfreq=1.0         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.5 = fieldnorm(doc=234)   2.1717649 = weight(browsertitle:meyer^3.0 in 234) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     2.1717649 = fieldweight in 234, product of:       1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:         1.0 = termfreq=1.0       5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)       0.375 = fieldnorm(doc=234) </str> </lst> 

then changed 3rd result "meyer" "meyer-landrut", reindexed , executed search again result:

<lst name="debug">   <str name="rawquerystring">meyer</str>   <str name="querystring">meyer</str>   <str name="parsedquery">(+disjunctionmaxquery((content:meyer | title:meyer | keywords:meyer | h1:meyer | description:meyer | browsertitle:meyer^3)))/no_coord</str>   <str name="parsedquery_tostring">+(content:meyer | title:meyer | keywords:meyer | h1:meyer | description:meyer | browsertitle:meyer^3)</str>   <lst name="explain">     <str name="id3"> 2.5594494 = max of:   0.5276203 = weight(content:meyer in 1767) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.5276203 = score(doc=1767,freq=5.0), product of:       0.32961872 = queryweight, product of:         5.726835 = idf(docfreq=15, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       1.600699 = fieldweight in 1767, product of:         2.236068 = tf(freq=5.0), freq of:           5.0 = termfreq=5.0         5.726835 = idf(docfreq=15, maxdocs=1807)         0.125 = fieldnorm(doc=1767)   1.0237797 = weight(title:meyer in 1767) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     1.0237797 = score(doc=1767,freq=2.0), product of:       0.33333334 = queryweight, product of:         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       3.0713391 = fieldweight in 1767, product of:         1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), freq of:           2.0 = termfreq=2.0         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.375 = fieldnorm(doc=1767)   1.1944097 = weight(description:meyer in 1767) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     1.1944097 = score(doc=1767,freq=2.0), product of:       0.33333334 = queryweight, product of:         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       3.583229 = fieldweight in 1767, product of:         1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), freq of:           2.0 = termfreq=2.0         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.4375 = fieldnorm(doc=1767)   2.5594494 = weight(browsertitle:meyer^3.0 in 1767) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     2.5594494 = fieldweight in 1767, product of:       1.4142135 = tf(freq=2.0), freq of:         2.0 = termfreq=2.0       5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)       0.3125 = fieldnorm(doc=1767) </str>     <str name="id4"> 2.1717649 = max of:   0.40869296 = weight(content:meyer in 286) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.40869296 = score(doc=286,freq=3.0), product of:       0.32961872 = queryweight, product of:         5.726835 = idf(docfreq=15, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       1.239896 = fieldweight in 286, product of:         1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), freq of:           3.0 = termfreq=3.0         5.726835 = idf(docfreq=15, maxdocs=1807)         0.125 = fieldnorm(doc=286)   0.9652289 = weight(title:meyer in 286) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.9652289 = score(doc=286,freq=1.0), product of:       0.33333334 = queryweight, product of:         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       2.8956866 = fieldweight in 286, product of:         1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:           1.0 = termfreq=1.0         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.5 = fieldnorm(doc=286)   0.9652289 = weight(description:meyer in 286) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.9652289 = score(doc=286,freq=1.0), product of:       0.33333334 = queryweight, product of:         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       2.8956866 = fieldweight in 286, product of:         1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:           1.0 = termfreq=1.0         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.5 = fieldnorm(doc=286)   2.1717649 = weight(browsertitle:meyer^3.0 in 286) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     2.1717649 = fieldweight in 286, product of:       1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:         1.0 = termfreq=1.0       5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)       0.375 = fieldnorm(doc=286) </str>     <str name="id5"> 2.1717649 = max of:   0.40869296 = weight(content:meyer in 436) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.40869296 = score(doc=436,freq=3.0), product of:       0.32961872 = queryweight, product of:         5.726835 = idf(docfreq=15, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       1.239896 = fieldweight in 436, product of:         1.7320508 = tf(freq=3.0), freq of:           3.0 = termfreq=3.0         5.726835 = idf(docfreq=15, maxdocs=1807)         0.125 = fieldnorm(doc=436)   0.9652289 = weight(title:meyer in 436) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.9652289 = score(doc=436,freq=1.0), product of:       0.33333334 = queryweight, product of:         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       2.8956866 = fieldweight in 436, product of:         1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:           1.0 = termfreq=1.0         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.5 = fieldnorm(doc=436)   0.9652289 = weight(description:meyer in 436) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.9652289 = score(doc=436,freq=1.0), product of:       0.33333334 = queryweight, product of:         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       2.8956866 = fieldweight in 436, product of:         1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:           1.0 = termfreq=1.0         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.5 = fieldnorm(doc=436)   2.1717649 = weight(browsertitle:meyer^3.0 in 436) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     2.1717649 = fieldweight in 436, product of:       1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:         1.0 = termfreq=1.0       5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)       0.375 = fieldnorm(doc=436) </str>  ...      <str name="id1"> 2.1717649 = max of:   0.471918 = weight(content:meyer in 1174) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.471918 = score(doc=1174,freq=4.0), product of:       0.32961872 = queryweight, product of:         5.726835 = idf(docfreq=15, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       1.4317087 = fieldweight in 1174, product of:         2.0 = tf(freq=4.0), freq of:           4.0 = termfreq=4.0         5.726835 = idf(docfreq=15, maxdocs=1807)         0.125 = fieldnorm(doc=1174)   0.9652289 = weight(title:meyer in 1174) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.9652289 = score(doc=1174,freq=1.0), product of:       0.33333334 = queryweight, product of:         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       2.8956866 = fieldweight in 1174, product of:         1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:           1.0 = termfreq=1.0         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.5 = fieldnorm(doc=1174)   0.9652289 = weight(description:meyer in 1174) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.9652289 = score(doc=1174,freq=1.0), product of:       0.33333334 = queryweight, product of:         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       2.8956866 = fieldweight in 1174, product of:         1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:           1.0 = termfreq=1.0         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.5 = fieldnorm(doc=1174)   2.1717649 = weight(browsertitle:meyer^3.0 in 1174) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     2.1717649 = fieldweight in 1174, product of:       1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:         1.0 = termfreq=1.0       5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)       0.375 = fieldnorm(doc=1174) </str>     <str name="id2"> 2.1717649 = max of:   0.471918 = weight(content:meyer in 1766) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.471918 = score(doc=1766,freq=4.0), product of:       0.32961872 = queryweight, product of:         5.726835 = idf(docfreq=15, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       1.4317087 = fieldweight in 1766, product of:         2.0 = tf(freq=4.0), freq of:           4.0 = termfreq=4.0         5.726835 = idf(docfreq=15, maxdocs=1807)         0.125 = fieldnorm(doc=1766)   0.9652289 = weight(title:meyer in 1766) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.9652289 = score(doc=1766,freq=1.0), product of:       0.33333334 = queryweight, product of:         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       2.8956866 = fieldweight in 1766, product of:         1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:           1.0 = termfreq=1.0         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.5 = fieldnorm(doc=1766)   0.9652289 = weight(description:meyer in 1766) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     0.9652289 = score(doc=1766,freq=1.0), product of:       0.33333334 = queryweight, product of:         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.057556875 = querynorm       2.8956866 = fieldweight in 1766, product of:         1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:           1.0 = termfreq=1.0         5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)         0.5 = fieldnorm(doc=1766)   2.1717649 = weight(browsertitle:meyer^3.0 in 1766) [defaultsimilarity], result of:     2.1717649 = fieldweight in 1766, product of:       1.0 = tf(freq=1.0), freq of:         1.0 = termfreq=1.0       5.7913733 = idf(docfreq=14, maxdocs=1807)       0.375 = fieldnorm(doc=1766) </str> </lst> 

after changing word, results before on place 1 , 2, appear @ end of result list. seems queue changed , @ end of same line comparing first result. how possible? , how make results more random, new hyphenated word won't appear @ top of list, in first search on third place?


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