xamarin - The "LinkAssemblies" task failed unexpectedly while publishing apk file -

i using xamarin forms develop mobile app.i able deploy app in debug mode , app builds no errors.i trying publish apk in release mode getting below error.i have used syncfusion sfchart , sfgauge.kindly , find below error description:

c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\xamarin\android\xamarin.android.common.targets(5,5): error msb4018: "linkassemblies" task failed unexpectedly. xamarin.android.xamarinandroidexception: error xa2006: reference metadata item 'system.int32 xamarin.forms.platform.android.resource/attribute::actionbarsize' (defined in 'syncfusion.sfgauge.xforms.android, version=14.2451.0.26, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=null') 'syncfusion.sfgauge.xforms.android, version=14.2451.0.26, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=null' not resolved. ---> mono.cecil.resolutionexception: failed resolve system.int32 xamarin.forms.platform.android.resource/attribute::actionbarsize @ mono.linker.steps.markstep.markfield(fieldreference reference) @ mono.linker.steps.markstep.markinstruction(instruction instruction) @ mono.linker.steps.markstep.markmethodbody(methodbody body) @ mono.linker.steps.markstep.processmethod(methoddefinition method) @ mono.linker.steps.markstep.processqueue() @ mono.linker.steps.markstep.process() @ mono.linker.steps.markstep.process(linkcontext context) @ mono.linker.pipeline.process(linkcontext context) @ monodroid.tuner.linker.process(linkeroptions options, linkcontext& context) @ xamarin.android.tasks.linkassemblies.execute() --- end of inner exception stack trace --- @ xamarin.android.diagnostic.error(int32 code, exception innerexception, string message, object[] args) @ xamarin.android.tasks.linkassemblies.execute() @ microsoft.build.backend.taskexecutionhost.microsoft.build.backend.itaskexecutionhost.execute() @ microsoft.build.backend.taskbuilder.d__26.movenext() (msb4018) (ewsmobile.droid) 

your main issue following:

error xa2006: reference metadata item 'system.int32 xamarin.forms.platform.android.resource/attribute::actionbarsize' (defined in 'syncfusion.sfgauge.xforms.android, version=14.2451.0.26, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=null') 'syncfusion.sfgauge.xforms.android, version=14.2451.0.26, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=null' not resolved. ---> mono.cecil.resolutionexception: failed resolve system.int32 xamarin.forms.platform.android.resource/attribute::actionbarsize 

this means attribute actionbarsize cannot found or not included in resource.designer.cs file. there few typical issues of why happens:

1) not compiling against latest android api (api 23 @ current time of writing)

2) referenced library might out of date , should updated , compiled against latest android api. (api 23 currently)

3) if using xamarin.forms, should ensure use version compiled third party library.


as additional debugging steps:

1) set linker setting in release configuration don't link/none.


if works here, know type being linked out of library.

2) preserve linked out type

you can use linkskip linkskip assembly:


otherwise can readup on general linking here:



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