Android Studio: No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'searchViewTextField' -

i making (was trying to) changes existing eclipse project. imported studio, , added dependencies.


apply plugin: ''  android {     compilesdkversion 23     buildtoolsversion '23.0.3'      defaultconfig {         applicationid "com.uniapps.prayer.times.almoazin"         minsdkversion 16         targetsdkversion 23         compileoptions {             sourcecompatibility javaversion.version_1_7             targetcompatibility javaversion.version_1_7         }     }      buildtypes {         release {             minifyenabled false             proguardfiles getdefaultproguardfile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'         }     } }  dependencies {     compile files('libs/startappinapp-2.4.1.jar')  //    compile '' //    compile ""     compile "" //    compile ''     compile ""     compile "" //    compile ''  } 

i landed following errors, moment change sdk versions less 23, errors of material design.

please help!

thank in advance.

e:\workspace\intern\prayer timing\pray timmings\app\src\main\res\values\styles.xml error:(199, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchresultlistitemheight'. error:(199, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchdropdownbackground'. error:(199, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewcloseicon'. error:(199, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewautocompletetextview'. error:(199, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchvieweditquery'. error:(199, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchvieweditquerybackground'. error:(199, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewgoicon'. error:(199, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewsearchicon'. error:(199, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewtextfield'. error:(199, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewtextfieldright'. error:(199, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewvoiceicon'. error:(242, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchdropdownbackground'. error:(242, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchresultlistitemheight'. error:(242, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewautocompletetextview'. error:(242, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewcloseicon'. error:(242, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchvieweditquery'. error:(242, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchvieweditquerybackground'. error:(242, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewgoicon'. error:(242, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewsearchicon'. error:(242, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewtextfield'. error:(242, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewtextfieldright'. error:(242, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewvoiceicon'. error:(269, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchdropdownbackground'. error:(269, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchresultlistitemheight'. error:(269, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewautocompletetextview'. error:(269, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewcloseicon'. error:(269, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchvieweditquery'. error:(269, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchvieweditquerybackground'. error:(269, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewgoicon'. error:(269, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewsearchicon'. error:(269, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewtextfield'. error:(269, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewtextfieldright'. error:(269, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'searchviewvoiceicon'. error:(628, 5) no resource found matches given name: attr 'spinnermode'. error:execution failed task ':app:processdebugresources'. > org.gradle.process.internal.execexception: process 'command 'd:\android\sdk\build-tools\24.0.1\aapt.exe'' finished non-zero exit value 1 


i sharing file on drive. appreciate help.

you should avoid using + in version numbers.

because android studio says,

avoid using + in version numbers; can lead unpredictable , unrepeatable builds

try changing dependencies in build.gradle(module:app) . replace dependencies below one.

dependencies {     compile filetree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])     testcompile 'junit:junit:4.12'     compile ''     compile ''     compile ''  } 


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