c# - OleDB Could Not Determine the Decimal Value -

i trying table foxpro c#. using following statement;

sqlcmd.commandtext = @"select ew.ew_pplid, ew.ew_name, ew.ew_from, ew_to, ew.ew_totdays                        empwork ew                        inner join employs emp on ew.ew_pplid = emp.em_pplid                        emp.em_netname not ''                         , trim(emp.em_netname) <> ''                         , emp.em_type <> 2                        , ew.ew_from > ?"; sqlcmd.parameters.addwithvalue("pdate", convert.todatetime("01/08/2016")); 

but getting error have never seen before;

the provider not determine decimal value. example, row created, default decimal column not available, , consumer had not yet set new decimal value.

has seen error before, , if how can around this?

if if choking on date time false message, try slight alteration via

 , ew.ew_from > ctod( ? )"; 

and parameter string of date

sqlcmd.parameters.addwithvalue("pdate", "01/08/2016" ); 

vfp's command ctod() means character-to-date, , since in expected month/day/year format, should go through.

if failure on field such "ew.ew_totdays", start updating query limit fields returned id key, leave clause alone. if goes through, add 1 field @ time. may have null value somewhere in data.

if fields ok, might have apply query based on clause , stripping criteria 1 part @ time until applied.


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