vb.net - Timer which impede its own functions to run unless being in step by step -

i have issue i'm stuck since last week, , despite of advises senior developer.

i want send motorisation command motor com ports through timer.

  • when step step or when add stopping point, okay! however, when let timer , program run themselves, motorisation command never happens! why? command should run far step step method does!

i calling method envoi_commande_motorisation() without arguments. sends frames in specific format com port in order make motor move. yet seems never called when quitting debugging step-by-step. command contained timer_moto_tick(sender, e) timer_moto.tick timer made regularly verify motor @ right azimut, knowing position demande_etat_motorisation().

i changed frequency of timer 1000ms 3000ms step of 500ms each time didn't changed anything...

  • i added button calls envoi_commande_motorisation() manually , works! yet, hand , want automatize it.

here picture of crime scene:

private sub timer_moto_tick(sender object, e eventargs) handles timer_moto.tick     'asking motor position     demande_etat_motorisation()      'checking if acually in automatize management of motor , not in manual way     if radiobutton_manuel.checked = false         'checking if motor isn't @ right place         if ((cdbl(liste_azimut.text) <> val(aff_position_azimut_source.text)) or (cdbl(liste_elevation.text) <> val(aff_position_site_source.text)))             'otherwise change motor position text , him go way             lecture_port_comm_moto()             liste_azimut.text = ctype(val(aff_position_azimut_source.text), string)             liste_elevation.text = ctype(val(aff_position_site_source.text), string)             envoi_commande_motorisation()          end if          envoi_commande_motorisation()      end if  end sub 

as asked in comments gives demande_etat_motorisation , envoi_commande_motorisation

public sub demande_etat_motorisation()     dim integer     dim info string      if init_en_cours = true exit sub       'asking motor state     'frame in hexa  : 57 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1f 20     tableau_hexa(0) = &h57     = 1 10         tableau_hexa(i) = &h00     next     tableau_hexa(11) = &h1f     tableau_hexa(12) = &h20     'envoi de la données     info = "sending frames on ports "     'port 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     if etat_port_4.checked = true , checkbox_moto_1.checked = true         'chosing port motorisation         try              select case liste_port_4.text                 case zone_param_comm1.text                     port_serie_1.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                     port_serie_1.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                 case zone_param_comm2.text                     port_serie_2.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                     port_serie_2.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                 case zone_param_comm3.text                     port_serie_3.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                     port_serie_3.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto              end select          catch ex exception             zone1.text = "error motorisation 1 : " + ex.tostring         end try     end if     'end if     'port 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     if etat_port_5.checked = true , checkbox_moto_2.checked = true         'sending command         'here chose port write in motor         try             'assignation du à ouvrir             select case liste_port_5.text                 case zone_param_comm1.text                     port_serie_1.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                     port_serie_1.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                 case zone_param_comm2.text                     port_serie_2.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                     port_serie_2.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                 case zone_param_comm3.text                     port_serie_3.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                     port_serie_3.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto              end select          catch ex exception             zone1.text = "error motorisation 2 : " + ex.tostring         end try     end if  end sub  public sub envoi_commande_motorisation()     'sending data on serial ports     'sending 13 chars     dim integer     dim cjunk, cjunk1 string     dim nombre integer     dim info string      borneminaz = nothing     bornemaxaz = nothing     borneminelev = nothing     bornemaxelev = nothing      if init_en_cours = true exit sub     if me.liste_azimut.text <> "" , me.liste_elevation.text <> ""         me.zone1.text = ""         'classical command being sent         tableau_hexa(0) = &h57         tableau_hexa(1) = &h30         'in degree degre         tableau_hexa(5) = &h1         tableau_hexa(6) = &h30          tableau_hexa(10) = &h1         'final bits command         tableau_hexa(11) = &h2f         tableau_hexa(12) = &h20         'azimut calculation         nombre = cint(liste_azimut.text) + 360         cjunk1 = cstr(nombre)          'numbers upper 100         cjunk = mid(cjunk1, 1, 1)         tableau_hexa(2) = cbyte(&h30 + val(cjunk))         'having decade         cjunk = mid(cjunk1, 2, 1)         tableau_hexa(3) = cbyte(&h30 + val(cjunk))         'unite         cjunk = mid(cjunk1, 3, 1)         tableau_hexa(4) = cbyte(&h30 + val(cjunk))          'tilt calculation         nombre = cint(liste_elevation.text) + 360         cjunk1 = cstr(nombre)          'number upper 100         cjunk = mid(cjunk1, 1, 1)         tableau_hexa(7) = cbyte(&h30 + val(cjunk))         'decade recuperation         cjunk = mid(cjunk1, 2, 1)         tableau_hexa(8) = cbyte(&h30 + val(cjunk))         'unite         cjunk = mid(cjunk1, 3, 1)         tableau_hexa(9) = cbyte(&h30 + val(cjunk))         'affichage de la trame envoyée         cjunk = ""         = 0 12             cjunk = cjunk + cstr(hex(tableau_hexa(i))) + " "         next         envoi_azimut_elevation.text = "frame sent: " + cjunk           info = "frames being sent on port : "         'port 1          'motorisation 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------         if etat_port_4.checked = true , checkbox_moto_1.checked = true             'chosing port motor 1             try                  select case liste_port_4.text                     case zone_param_comm1.text                         port_serie_1.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                         port_serie_1.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                     case zone_param_comm2.text                         port_serie_2.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                         port_serie_2.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                     case zone_param_comm3.text                         port_serie_3.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                         port_serie_3.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                  end select              catch ex exception                 zone1.text = "erreur motorisation 1 : " + ex.tostring             end try              'affichage de l'info sur l'afficheur noir             'azimut             = cint(val(liste_azimut.text))             select case                 case 0 9                     affiche_info_azimut.text = "00" + format(i, "##0")                 case 10 99                     affiche_info_azimut.text = "0" + format(i, "##0")                 case else                     affiche_info_azimut.text = format(i, "##0")             end select             affiche_info_azimut.forecolor = color.green             'tilt             = cint(val(liste_elevation.text))             select case                 case -9 -1                     affiche_info_elevation.text = "-0" + format(abs(i), "##")                 case 0 9                     affiche_info_elevation.text = "0" + format(i, "##")                  case else                     affiche_info_elevation.text = format(i, "##")             end select             affiche_info_elevation.forecolor = color.green           end if         'port 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------          if etat_port_5.checked = true , checkbox_moto_2.checked = true             'envoi de la commande             'choix du port choisi pour la motorisation 1             try                 'assignation du à ouvrir                 select case liste_port_5.text                     case zone_param_comm1.text                         port_serie_1.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                         port_serie_1.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                     case zone_param_comm2.text                         port_serie_2.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                         port_serie_2.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                     case zone_param_comm3.text                         port_serie_3.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                         port_serie_3.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                  end select              catch ex exception                 zone1.text = "erreur motorisation 2 : " + ex.tostring             end try             'affichage de l'info sur l'afficheur noir             'azimut             = cint(val(liste_azimut.text))             select case                 case 0 9                     affiche_info_azimut.text = "00" + format(i, "##0")                 case 10 99                     affiche_info_azimut.text = "0" + format(i, "##0")                 case else                     affiche_info_azimut.text = format(i, "##0")             end select             affiche_info_azimut.forecolor = color.lightgreen             'elevation             = cint(val(liste_elevation.text))             select case                 case -9 -1                     affiche_info_elevation.text = "-0" + format(abs(i), "##")                 case 0 9                     affiche_info_elevation.text = "0" + format(i, "##")                  case else                     affiche_info_elevation.text = format(i, "##")             end select              affiche_info_elevation.forecolor = color.green              'demande de position             demande_etat_motorisation()          end if         'end if         '     end if  end sub 

hitherto, senior developer still believes timer frequency issue.

maybe should work interruptions serial ports, how can this? told me set threshold each ports in order start reading interruption, read buffer when full.



as advised, wrote diagnostics.debug.writeline("some specific text here") everywhere program may have crashed. actually, after picking on lines written in terminal, noticed serialports.writeline(,,) creates problems.

indeed whith following code , debug lines:

private sub timer_moto_tick(sender object, e eventargs) handles timer_moto.tick     'asking motor position     demande_etat_motorisation()      'checking if acually in automatize management of motor , not in manual way     if radiobutton_manuel.checked = false          diagnostics.debug.writeline("test if @ right place")          if ((cdbl(liste_azimut.text) <> val(aff_position_azimut_source.text)) or (cdbl(liste_elevation.text) <> val(aff_position_site_source.text)))             lecture_port_comm_moto()             liste_azimut.text = ctype(val(aff_position_azimut_source.text), string)             liste_elevation.text = ctype(val(aff_position_site_source.text), string)             envoi_commande_motorisation()              diagnostics.debug.writeline("we have send orders camera")          end if     end if end sub 

every debug lines being read on terminal, added in envoi_commande_motorisation()

public sub envoi_commande_motorisation() 'sending data on serial ports 'sending 13 chars     dim integer     dim cjunk, cjunk1 string     dim nombre integer     dim info string      borneminaz = nothing     bornemaxaz = nothing     borneminelev = nothing     bornemaxelev = nothing      diagnostics.debug.writeline("we envoi_commande_motorisation()")      if init_en_cours = true exit sub     if me.liste_azimut.text <> "" , me.liste_elevation.text <> ""         me.zone1.text = ""     'classical command being sent         tableau_hexa(0) = &h57         tableau_hexa(1) = &h30         'transforming in degree         tableau_hexa(5) = &h1         tableau_hexa(6) = &h30         'again         tableau_hexa(10) = &h1         'final bits command          tableau_hexa(11) = &h2f         tableau_hexa(12) = &h20         'azimut calculation         nombre = cint(liste_azimut.text) + 360         cjunk1 = cstr(nombre)          'number bigger 100         cjunk = mid(cjunk1, 1, 1)         tableau_hexa(2) = cbyte(&h30 + val(cjunk))         'taking decade         cjunk = mid(cjunk1, 2, 1)         tableau_hexa(3) = cbyte(&h30 + val(cjunk))         'unity         cjunk = mid(cjunk1, 3, 1)         tableau_hexa(4) = cbyte(&h30 + val(cjunk))          'elevation calculation         nombre = cint(liste_elevation.text) + 360         cjunk1 = cstr(nombre)          'number bigger 100         cjunk = mid(cjunk1, 1, 1)         tableau_hexa(7) = cbyte(&h30 + val(cjunk))         'taking decade         cjunk = mid(cjunk1, 2, 1)         tableau_hexa(8) = cbyte(&h30 + val(cjunk))         'units         cjunk = mid(cjunk1, 3, 1)         tableau_hexa(9) = cbyte(&h30 + val(cjunk))         displaying frame sent          cjunk = ""         = 0 12             cjunk = cjunk + cstr(hex(tableau_hexa(i))) + " "         next         envoi_azimut_elevation.text = "trame envoi : " + cjunk           diagnostics.debug.writeline("we going writes")           info = "sending data on ports "         'port 1         'motorisation 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------         if etat_port_4.checked = true , checkbox_moto_1.checked = true             'chosing ports             try                  select case liste_port_4.text                     case zone_param_comm1.text                         port_serie_1.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                     'port_serie_1.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                     case zone_param_comm2.text                         port_serie_2.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                     'port_serie_2.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                     case zone_param_comm3.text                         port_serie_3.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                     'port_serie_3.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                     case zone_param_comm4.text                         diagnostics.debug.writeline("we going write in com port 4")                          port_serie_4.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                         diagnostics.debug.writeline("we wrote in com port 4")                         timer_moto.start()                     'port_serie_4.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                     case zone_param_comm5.text                         port_serie_5.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                     'port_serie_5.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                     case zone_param_comm6.text                         port_serie_6.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                         'port_serie_6.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                 end select              catch ex exception                 zone1.text = "erreur motorisation 1 : " + ex.tostring             end try              'displaying azimut infomations on screen             'azimut             = cint(val(liste_azimut.text))             select case                 case 0 9                     affiche_info_azimut.text = "00" + format(i, "##0")                 case 10 99                     affiche_info_azimut.text = "0" + format(i, "##0")                 case else                     affiche_info_azimut.text = format(i, "##0")             end select             affiche_info_azimut.forecolor = color.green             'elevation             = cint(val(liste_elevation.text))             select case                 case -9 -1                     affiche_info_elevation.text = "-0" + format(abs(i), "##")                 case 0 9                     affiche_info_elevation.text = "0" + format(i, "##")                  case else                     affiche_info_elevation.text = format(i, "##")             end select             affiche_info_elevation.forecolor = color.green           end if         'port 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------          if etat_port_5.checked = true , checkbox_moto_2.checked = true             'sending command             'chosing port             try                  select case liste_port_5.text                     case zone_param_comm1.text                         port_serie_1.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                     'port_serie_1.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                     case zone_param_comm2.text                         port_serie_2.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                     'port_serie_2.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                     case zone_param_comm3.text                         port_serie_3.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                     'port_serie_3.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                     case zone_param_comm4.text                         port_serie_4.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                     'port_serie_4.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                     case zone_param_comm5.text                         port_serie_5.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                     'port_serie_5.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                     case zone_param_comm6.text                         port_serie_6.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                         'port_serie_6.receivedbytesthreshold = seuil_port_reception_moto                 end select              catch ex exception                 zone1.text = "erreur motorisation 2 : " + ex.tostring             end try             'affichage de l'info sur l'afficheur noir             'azimut             = cint(val(liste_azimut.text))             select case                 case 0 9                     affiche_info_azimut.text = "00" + format(i, "##0")                 case 10 99                     affiche_info_azimut.text = "0" + format(i, "##0")                 case else                     affiche_info_azimut.text = format(i, "##0")             end select             affiche_info_azimut.forecolor = color.lightgreen             'elevation             = cint(val(liste_elevation.text))             select case                 case -9 -1                     affiche_info_elevation.text = "-0" + format(abs(i), "##")                 case 0 9                     affiche_info_elevation.text = "0" + format(i, "##")                  case else                     affiche_info_elevation.text = format(i, "##")             end select              affiche_info_elevation.forecolor = color.green              'demande de position             'demande_etat_motorisation()          end if         'end if         '     end if end sub 

every diagnostics.debug.writeline messages read , displayed on terminal camera doesn't move. therefore, when linked com port 4, think port_serie_4.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13) has serious issue, when rest of code delayed shown after. odd thing write me test if @ right place then. if give orders move, if thought @ right place unless clicking on button calls envoi_commande_motorisation(). .


i added delay here:

               case zone_param_comm4.text                     diagnostics.debug.writeline("we going write in com port 4")                      port_serie_4.write(tableau_hexa, 0, 13)                     system.threading.thread.sleep(500)                     diagnostics.debug.writeline("we wrote in com port 4") 

yet, nothing change moment.

maybe should delete parts of code of question or above. feel free suggest , all bringing coping issue.

i think have tried bit @ time here. maybe need start writing simple program works, build on it.

first of all, create new project form , button. when click button, opens com port.

if works, send 1 command after opening port. command set camera @ given position.

if works, add textbox can enter wanted position. when click button, move camera position.

if works, ...

and keep building this, until find going wrong


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