javascript - Bundle multiple files with gulp and browserify -

i have project structure that:

src   |html   |javascript     |file_one.js     |file_two.js   |styles dist gulpfile.js 

my question is: how can bundle files within "javascript" folder root "dist" folder renaming bundle files in following way?

file_one.js ----> file_one.bundle.js file_two.js ----> file_two.bundle.js

i'm doing following, can't put bundle files root "dist" folder, and, don't know if pretty way.

gulp.task("bundler", function(){   var src_arr = ['src/javascript/file_one.js', 'src/javascript/file_two.js'];   src_arr.foreach(function(file) {     var bundle = browserify([file]).bundle();     bundle.pipe(source(file.substring(0,file.indexof('.')) + ".bundle.js"))       .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/'));   }); }); 

any appreciated. thanks

i guess more long comment "answer"…

various ways deal multiple browserify entry points covered in browserify - multiple entry points , in @hafiz ismail's

since you're dealing 2 know files rather glob, gulpiest solution might set browserifying lazypipe (, , call 2 separate tasks - 1 be

gulp.task('first', function(){     gulp.src('src/javascript/file_one.js')         .pipe(browserifyinglazypipe()) }; 

(i freely admit haven't tried using browserify in lazypipe)

a gulpy way renaming use gulp-rename

.pipe(rename({     extname: '.bundle.js' }) 


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