java - how to check if fragment exists and is Visible in a container? how to remove it if it exists? -

i calling method displays data on button click everytime. each time button clicked call method that

  • creates frag object
  • bundles data frag
  • puts data in frag
  • adds frag view in main activity
  • commits transaction

i'm facing 'caused by: java.lang.illegalstateexception: commit called'

on button click need check if frag exists , either replace or something. i'm confused.

here's code.

public void retrieve_and_display_data(string co) {      string res = null;       try {          res = new getvaluefromservicecall().execute(co, "", "").get();      } catch (interruptedexception e) {          e.printstacktrace();      } catch (executionexception e) {          e.printstacktrace();      }       list < string > company_stock_details = arrays.aslist(res.split(",(?=([^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)", -1));       stock_price_frag frag_obj = new stock_price_frag();         bundle b = new bundle();      b.putstring("co_name", "data1");      b.putstring("co_first", "data2");      b.putstring("co_last", "data3");       frag_obj.setarguments(b);        ft.add(, frag_obj, "fragment");       ft.commit();       //error on commit  } 

fragmenttransaction.replace(, fragment, mainactivity.tag); 

use tag when add fragment frame layout

and add check when button click

if (getsupportfragmentmanager().findfragmentbytag(mainactivity.tag) instanceof myfragment)       //my fragment visible  else       //other fragment visibile 


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