php - How is best to setup MySQL Relational Database? -

i've been working on improving ticket system made sometime ago , don't know best way store ticket updates. background- each ticket can updated text, status can updated , can assigned other people.

the tickets table looks this:

tickets:  |tk_id|tk_status|tk_opened_by|tk_assigned|tk_room|tk_problem|tk_date|tk_time| |-----|---------|------------|-----------|-------|----------|-------|-------| 

currently when ticket updated (either comment, status change or assignment) different tables used this. follows:

tk_update:  |update_id|tk_id|user_id|comment|date|time| |---------|-----|-------|-------|----|----|   tk_status:  |status_update_id|tk_id|user_id|status|comment|date|time| |----------------|-----|-------|------|-------|----|----|   tk_assign:  |assign_id|tk_id|user_id|assigned_to|comment|date|time| |---------|-----|-------|-----------|-------|----|----| 

this current set means pulling data 3 tables ticket , ordering them before displaying data on webpage. i'm thinking of changing setup follows:

tickets:  |tk_id|tk_status|tk_opened_by|tk_assigned|tk_room|tk_problem|tk_date|tk_time| |-----|---------|------------|-----------|-------|----------|-------|-------|  tk_updates:  |update_id|tk_id|user_id|assigned_to|status|comment|date|time| |---------|-----|-------|-----------|------|-------|----|----| 

that way there 1 table containing of updates. concern when comment update added status , assigned_to data have duplicated. there better ways of doing this?

thanks in advance!

user_id,assigned_to,status can moved tickets table shows current status of ticket. also, instead of tk_date, can tk_opened_date, , tk_updated_date.

update_id can primary key auto increment tk_updates table keeping tk_id foreign key. instead of columns assigned_to/status/, can have columns assigned, status can updated every change in of these values.

this table show history of ticket.


tickets:  |tk_id|tk_status|tk_opened_by|tk_assigned|tk_room |tk_problem|tk_opened_date|tk_updated_date| |-----|---------|------------|-----------|--------|----------|--------------|---------------| |123  |closed   |john        |wren       |somedata|somedata  |01/08/2016    |08/08/2016     |  tk_updates:  |update_id|tk_id|user_id|assigned|status    |comment                  |date      |time    | |---------|-----|-------|--------|----------|-------------------------|----------|--------| |1        |123  |aaa    |null    |open      |opened ticket            |01/08/2016|00:00:00| |2        |123  |aaa    |john    |open      |ticket assigned john  |01/08/2016|00:00:00| |3        |123  |aaa    |john    |inprogress|now in inprogress        |01/08/2016|00:00:00| |4        |123  |bbb    |wren    |inprogress|john assigned wren    |01/08/2016|00:00:00| |5        |123  |bbb    |wren    |closed    |fixed, closing       |08/08/2016|00:00:00| 

every ticket have 1 row current status , details in updates table.

whenever there update, new row has inserted in updates table. can have trigger update values of assigned_to/status/tk_updated_date in ticket table whenever there new row insert in updates table.


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