kotlin - TornadoFX - remove item with ContextMenu right click option -

so have table view displays observedarraylist of accountsaccount(name, login, pass), data classes. when right click cell there pops option of delete. want delete account observedarraylist

only can not find way this. not experienced javafx or tornadofx , can't find answer google or in tornadofx guides , docs.

this code:

class toolview : view() {     override val root = vbox()       companion object handler {          //val account1 = account("google", "martvdham@gmail.com", "kkk")         //val account2 = account("google", "martvdham@gmail.com", "password")         var accounts = fxcollections.observablearraylist<account>(          )         var gson = gsonbuilder().setprettyprinting().create()         val ggson = gson()          fun writedata(){             filewriter("accounts.json").use {                 ggson.tojson(accounts, it)             }         }          fun readdata(){             accounts.clear()             filereader("accounts.json").use{                 var account = gson.fromjson(it, array<account>::class.java)                 if(account == null){return}                 for(i in account){                     accounts.add(i)                 }             }          }     }       init {         readdata()         borderpane {             center {                 tableview<account>{                     items = accounts                      column("name", account::name)                     column("login", account::login)                     column("password", account::password)                      contextmenu = contextmenu().apply{                         menuitem("delete"){                             selecteditem?.apply{// here item delete code should be}                         }                     }                 }             }             bottom{                 button("add account").setonaction{                     replacewith(addview::class, viewtransition.slidein)                 }             }         }     } } 


to clarify @martacus's answer, in case need replace // here item delete code should be accounts.remove(this) , you're in business.

you replace line

selecteditem?.apply{ accounts.remove(this) } 


selecteditem?.let{ accounts.remove(it) } 

from experience, let more common apply when using value instead of setting receiver.

note process different if accounts list constructed asynchronously , copied in, default behavior of asyncitems { accounts }.


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