java - Apache POI update cell after finishing Webdriver test -

so little complicated explain, i'll try best.

i want have excel file cell call count, purpose of number gets set manually when read data in worksheet reads data row, , @ end of test want add 1 onto number.

    public string[] readnewhiredata() {         string ex2[] = new string[100];          try {             simpledateformat sdf = new simpledateformat("dd/mm/yyyy");              file file = new file("c:/users/saahme/documents/filepath.xls");              workbook workbook = workbookfactory.create(file);             sheet worksheet = workbook.getsheetat(1);              row rowcount = worksheet.getrow(1);             cell count = rowcount.getcell(11);             thecount =  new bigdecimal(count.getnumericcellvalue()).toplainstring();              row row1 = worksheet.getrow(integer.parseint(thecount));             cell firstname = row1.getcell(0);             ex2[0] = firstname.getstringcellvalue();   } catch (filenotfoundexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         } catch (ioexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         } catch (invalidformatexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }         return ex2;     } 

enter image description here

ok when test runs want read thecount , number 1, , means when test getting stringvalue of each row going 1 (i've shortened code down make more readable). , once test finishes want add 1 onto count. tried this.

 public void writetoexcel() {         try {             hssfworkbook workbook2 = new hssfworkbook();             fileoutputstream fos = new fileoutputstream("c:/users/saahme/documents/filepath.xls");             hssfsheet worksheet2 = workbook2.getsheetat(1);             hssfrow rowcount = worksheet2.getrow(1);             hssfcell celll2 = rowcount.createcell(12);             celll2.setcellvalue(thecount + 1);             workbook2.write(fos);          } catch(filenotfoundexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         } catch(ioexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }      } 

but i've realised i'm creating new file , overwriting old 1 isnt want want do, want edit cell @ end of readnewhiredata , add 1 onto life of me whatever i'm trying not work. did try

 row rowcount2 = worksheet.getrow(1);             cell count2 = rowcount2.getcell(11);             count2.setcellvalue(thecount + 1); 

but didnt seem work, feel i'm close answer here need hand in nudging me there. in advance assistance :)


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