python - Get list_display in django admin to display the 'many' end of a many-to-one relationship -

i display pet owners (clients) using list_display , each owner comma-separate list of of pets (patients).

the foreign key in patient table, such owner can have many pets, pet can have 1 owner.

i've got following work advise whether acceptable approach.

from .models import client, patient  class clientadmin(admin.modeladmin):     list_display = ('first_name', 'last_name', 'mobile', 'patients')      def patients(self,obj):         p = patient.objects.filter(         return list(p) 

this looks like: enter image description here

thanks guidance.

update: here's i'm @ far:

here's i've managed working far

class clientadmin(admin.modeladmin):     list_display = ('first_name', 'last_name', 'mobile', 'getpatients')     def getpatients(self, request):         c = client.objects.get(pk=1)         p = c.patient_fk.all()         return p 

this following docs re: following relationships backwards.

of course, above example 'fixes' number of client objects 1 (pk=1) i'm not sure how i'd results of clients.

@pleasedontbelong - i've tried code, thank much. i'm doing wrong i'm getting error.but know fk has

 related_name = 'patient_fk' 

which explains why i'm not using patient_set (since foo_set overriden)

so here's have:

class clientadmin(admin.modeladmin):     list_display = ('first_name', 'last_name', 'mobile', 'getpatients')      def get_queryset(self, request):         qs = super(clientadmin, self).get_queryset(request)         return qs.prefetch_related('patient_fk')       def getpatients(self, obj):         return self.patient_fk.all() 

the error "'clientadmin' object has no attribute 'patient_fk'" , relates last line of code above.

any ideas?



i've tried brian's code:

class clientadmin(admin.modeladmin):     list_display = ('first_name', 'last_name', 'mobile', 'getpatients')      def getpatients(self, obj):         p = obj.patient_pk.all()         return list(p) 

...and getting error 'client' object has no attribute 'patient_fk'

if run original code, still works ok:

class clientadmin(admin.modeladmin):     list_display = ('first_name', 'last_name', 'mobile', 'getpatients')      def getpatients(self, obj):         p = patient.objects.filter(         return list(p) 

for reference, here classes:

class client(timestampedmodel):     first_name = models.charfield(max_length=30)     last_name = models.charfield(max_length=30)     ....  class patient(timestampedmodel):     client = models.foreignkey(client, on_delete=models.cascade, related_name='patient_fk')     name = models.charfield(max_length=30)     .... 

if works :+1: !!

few notes however: execute 1 query each client, if display 100 clients on admin, django execute 100 queries

you maybe improve changing main queryset (like this) on admin , using prefetch_related('patients')

should like:

class clientadmin(admin.modeladmin):     list_display = ('first_name', 'last_name', 'mobile', 'patients')      def get_queryset(self, request):         qs = super(clientadmin, self).get_queryset(request)         return qs.prefetch_related('patients')  # read doc, maybe 'patients' not correct lookup      def patients(self,obj):         return self.patients_set.all()  # since have prefetched patients think wont hit database, tested 

hope helps


you can patients related client using related object reference, like:

# 1 client client = client.objects.last() # client's patient patients = client.patient_set.all() 

the last line similar to:

patients = patient.objects.get(client=client) 

finally can override patient_set name , make prettier, read

i haven't tested it, nice have feedback see if prevent n+1 problem


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