xamarin - Enable Calabash-sandbox in Shell Script -

i trying access calabash-sandbox running shell script. shell script has

#!/bin/sh calabash-sandbox  calabash-android --- 

which should run calabash-sandbox , respective commands. executes calabash-sandbox , stops there.

i took @ script calabash-sandbox runs, , seems creates new bash session, complete environment variables calabash need. so, equivalent if ran bash && echo 'test' in script - wont see echo 'test' part, until exit session.

but, there multitude of ways push commands new shell sessions, , 1 in particular seems work case. bash reference manual

bash includes ‘<<<’ redirection operator, allowing string used standard input command.

this means can this: calabash-sandbox <<< 'echo test' , open new special calabash session, execute command in string, , exit session.

$ calabash-sandbox <<< 'echo test' terminal ready use calabash. exit, type 'exit'. test  terminal normal. 

if need more complicated did, can use eof redirect multi line string new session, this:

#!/bin/bash calabash-sandbox <<eof     export bundle_id=com.tabrindle.example     export device_target=$(system_profiler spusbdatatype | sed -n -e '/ipad/,/serial/p' -e '/iphone/,/serial/p' | grep "serial number:" | awk -f ": " '{print $2}')     export device_endpoint=http://gobbledygook.local:37265     export code_sign_identity="iphone developer: brindleware llc (xx8799xb1x)"     echo ""     printenv | grep -e 'bundle_id|device_target|code_sign_identity|device_endpoint' eof 

which, expect, output this:

$ ./execute_calabash terminal ready use calabash. exit, type 'exit'.  device_endpoint=http://gobbledygook.local:37265 bundle_id=com.tabrindle.example device_target=34fc6d34c34e23454c234523454580b1e2345b9ef code_sign_identity=iphone developer: brindleware llc (xx8799xb1x)  terminal normal. 

this may not only, or best way this, works.


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