mongoose im - mod_shared_roster_ldap configuration not working. How to make it work? -

i setting openldap along mongooseim. don't have detailed knowledge ldap. able set authentication ldap, not able set mod_shared_roster_ldap. want users in each others roster.

my example config this:

{ldap_servers, [""]}. {ldap_port, 389}. {ldap_rootdn, "cn=admin,dc=test,dc=example,dc=com"}. {ldap_password, "example"}. {ldap_base, "ou=users,dc=test,dc=example,dc=com"}. {ldap_uids, [{"uid", "%u"}]}.  {mod_shared_roster_ldap, [{ldap_base,"ou=users,dc=test,dc=example,dc=com"},   {ldap_groupattr,"cn"},   {ldap_gfilter,"(&(objectclass=groupofurls)(cn=%g))"},   {ldap_groupdesc, "description"},   {ldap_memberattr, "member"},   {ldap_memberattr_format,"cn=%u,ou=users,dc=xmpp,dc=graphed,dc=io"},   {ldap_ufilter,"(&(objectclass=inetorgperson)(cn=%u))"},   {ldap_userdesc, "cn"},   {ldap_auth_check, "off"},   {ldap_user_cache_validity, "10"},   {ldap_group_cache_validity, "10"} ]} 

i took


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