How precise is tracking movement using accelerometer-Android? -

i need implement kind of movement tracking in app , need precise, precise 1% precision. example if user moves 5 m, possible app calculate user moved (5+-0.05) m using accelerometer? rephrase question, accelerometer give such precise data? know after comes implementing sensor , optimising code. if possible, great if link sort of tutorial or example impementing kind of tracking.

note: not want app measure steps, exact distance user has moved.

no, such precision not possible out of devices, because move in such complicated patterns.

what want perform double integration of sampled acceleration signal - position. acceleration signals nature quite... spasmic, meaning sampling rate have high, so, contain errors. these errors magnified in integration process, , hard reconstruct position accuracy. known "drift".

the problem common , quite known.

the solution want use gps.


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