java - Spring aliasFor for Annotations with Target(PARAMETER) -

i trying use meta-annotation of spring using aliasfor annotation create custom annotation springs requestparam

simply 'extend/replace'

@target(elementtype.parameter) @retention(retentionpolicy.runtime) @documented public @interface requestparam {     @aliasfor("name")    string value() default "";     ---- } 

with annotation

@target(elementtype.parameter) @retention(retentionpolicy.runtime) @inherited public @interface queryparam {      @aliasfor(annotation = requestparam.class, attribute = "name")     string name() default "";      @aliasfor(annotation = requestparam.class, attribute = "required")     boolean required() default false;      @aliasfor(annotation = requestparam.class, attribute = "defaultvalue")     string defaultvalue() default valueconstants.default_none;  } 

this way throws exception

org.springframework.core.annotation.annotationconfigurationexception:   @aliasfor declaration on attribute [name] in annotation [package.queryparam] declares alias attribute [name] in meta-annotation [org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.requestparam] not meta-present. 

problem without requestparam annotated on queryparam doesn't work. , not possible put requestparam parameter targeted.

@requestparam <--this not possible.  public @interface queryparam 

so there way achieve ?

basically want achieve not possible now, @ least spring v 4.3.3 there main 2 problems, first 1 fact annotations @requestparam declared @target(elementtype.parameter) make impossible used part of meta annotations. furthermore, spring mvc looks annotations on method parameters using org.springframework.core.methodparameter.getparameterannotations() not support meta-annotations or composed annotations. if need customizations there can use handlermethodargumentresolver instead of meta annotations.

so code like

@target(elementtype.parameter) @retention(retentionpolicy.runtime) @documented public @interface queryparam {     string name() default "";     boolean required() default false;     string defaultvalue() default valueconstants.default_none;  } 

then using handlermethodargumentresolver add custom logic need.

public class queryparamresolver implements handlermethodargumentresolver {     public boolean supportsparameter(methodparameter parameter) {        return parameter.getparameterannotation(queryparam.class) != null;    }     public object resolveargument(methodparameter parameter, modelandviewcontainer mavcontainer, nativewebrequest webrequest,         webdatabinderfactory binderfactory) throws exception {        queryparam attr = parameter.getparameterannotation(queryparam.class);        // here can use logic need        return webrequest.getparameter(attr.value());    } } 

then need register our handlermethodargumentresolver

@configuration @enablewebmvc public class config extends webmvcconfigureradapter {     @override     public void addargumentresolvers(list<handlermethodargumentresolver> argumentresolvers) {       argumentresolvers.add(new queryparamresolver());     } } 

and last lets use our custom annotation

 @getmapping("/test")  public string test(@queryparam("foo") string foo){       // here   } 


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