How to show only first level child when second level child doen't exists otherwise show second level child in django MPTT -

i got following output django-mptt tree:

group-2         ministry e         division g         division z     ministry f         division         division j  group-3         ministry p         division x         division y     ministry q     ministry r         division u         division v 

but want show follows:

        division g         division z          division         division j           division x         division y      ministry q          division u         division v 

that means level 1 shows when level 2 not exists otherwise level 2 shows. tried using model.objects.filter(level=1) gives 1 level not both selectively. tried model.objects.filter(level__gt=0) gives both level not obey condition.

how can both level maintaining conditions?


{% block content %}   {% load mptt_tags %} {% instance in genre.objects.all %}     {% if instance.is_leaf_node %}         {{ instance }}     {% endif %} {% endfor %}  {% endblock %} 


def show_genres(request):     instances = genre.objects.filter(children__isnull=true)     return render(request,                   'genre/template.html', {'instances': instances}) 


url(r'^genres/$', show_genres, name="genre_list",) 


 class genre(mpttmodel): name = models.charfield(max_length=50, unique=true) parent = treeforeignkey('self', null=true, blank=true, related_name='children', db_index=true)  class mpttmeta:      order_insertion_by=['name'] 

show leaf nodes

solution #1 - in template:

{% instance in model.objects.all %}     {% if instance.is_leaf_node %}         {{ instance }}     {% endif %} {% endfor %} 

solution #2 - in view:

instances = model.objects.filter(children__isnull=true) return render(request, 'template.html', {'instances': instances}) 


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