java - Manipulate InputStream of ContainerRequestFilter -

i have encrypted string being sent client. trying intercept string using containerrequestfilter decrypt , set inputstream again can used jackson map pojo.


my resource

@path("auth") public class authresource {  @post public response testresource(@auth authuser auth, person person) {      system.out.println("recieved resource:: "+ new gson().tojson(person));      return null;     } }

public class person {      private string name;     private int age;      public person() {};      public person(string name, int age) { = name;         this.age = age;     }     public string getname() {         return name;     }     public void setname(string name) { = name;     }     public int getage() {         return age;     }     public void setage(int age) {         this.age = age;     } } 

my filter

@provider public class myfilter implements containerrequestfilter {      @override      public void filter(containerrequestcontext requestcontext) throws ioexception {          inputstream inputstream = requestcontext.getentitystream();          stringwriter writer = new stringwriter();         ioutils.copy(inputstream, writer, "utf-8");         string thestring = writer.tostring();          string decryptedmessage = "";         try {             decryptedmessage = jwttoken.decryptpayload(thestring);             system.err.println("decrypted message: "+decryptedmessage);         } catch (exception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }          inputstream stream = new bytearrayinputstream(decryptedmessage.getbytes(standardcharsets.utf_8));         requestcontext.setentitystream(stream);     }  } 

i understand once inputstream utilized cannot used again. using requestcontext.setentitystream(stream); trying set inputstream again utilized jackson.

inspite of still unable person object in resource. decryption working fine have tested using debugger.

i following error: 415: unsupported media type

edit 1: using adavanced rest client hit url



authorization: basic zxlkagryum9im0pwzw1gmgfxoxvjam9pwvcxcgrdsxnjbuzzwnljnklrafrnaluysw4wlmuzmc5mlutmouxqnjfsq21bektob2ltr0v4bej3rxrumxhrr3a3bupizmfsev9fonbhc3m= 

raw payload:


the payload encrypted using jwt:

jwts.builder().setpayload(new gson().tojson(new  person("amit",22))).signwith(signaturealgorithm.hs256, key).compact(); 

your request payload not json. it's jwt token contains json encoded base64. it's piece of text. hence, content-type of request should text/plain instead of application/json:

post /api/auth http/1.1 host: content-type: text/plain  eyjhbgcioijiuzi1nij9.eyjuyw1lijoiqw1pdcisimfnzsi6mjj9.-ro6yhyj--3zzvcahfw1hf-s533foyy6vvauyrh3q9g 

your filter modifies payload of request: filter gets jwt token request payload, gets token payload, decodes token payload json string , sets json string request payload.

after executing of filter, request contain json string , not piece of text. hence, after that, content-type of request should modified application/json. achieved following lines:

requestcontext.getheaders().remove(httpheaders.content_type); requestcontext.getheaders().add(httpheaders.content_type, mediatype.application_json); 

to ensure filter executed before resource matching, annotate filter @prematching.

and don't forget annotate resource method @consumes(mediatype.application_json).


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