javascript - Highchart: why can I not set the duration in this case? -

relevant code here:

$(function drawcharts() { var chartdata = [100,120,120,140,110,110]; var index = 1; $('#b').click(function(){     var buttonb =  document.getelementbyid('b');     buttonb.disabled = true;     if(index < chartdata.length){         var x = index, // current time         y = chartdata[index];         $('#container').highcharts().series[0].setdata([chartdata[index - 1], chartdata[index]]);         settimeout(function(){$('#container').highcharts().series[0].setdata([]);}, 1000);         settimeout(function(){             if(index === 1){                 $('#container1').highcharts().series[0].addpoint([0,chartdata[0]]);             }             $('#container1').highcharts().series[0].addpoint([x,y]);                 index++;               }, 1000);     }     settimeout(function(){buttonb.disabled = false;}, 3000);  }) $(document).ready(function () {     var chart1 = new highcharts.chart({         chart: {             renderto: 'container1',             type: 'line',             animation: highcharts.svg, // don't animate in old ie             marginright: 10,             events: {                 load: function () {                     series = this.series[0];                 },             }         },         title: {             text: ''          },         xaxis: {             title: {                 text: ''             },             gridlinewidth: 1,             startontick: true,             tickpixelinterval: 40,             min:0,             max:10         },         yaxis: {             title: {                 text: ''             },             min:0,             max:200         },         plotoptions: {             line: {                 marker: {                     enabled: false                 }             },             series: {                 animation: {                     duration: 1000                 }             }         },         tooltip: {             formatter: function () {                 return highcharts.numberformat(this.y, 2);             }         },         legend: {             enabled: false         },         exporting: {             enabled: false         },         credits:{             enabled:false         },         series: [{             name: '',             data: []         }]     });     var chart2 = new highcharts.chart({         chart: {             renderto: 'container',             type: 'line',             animation: highcharts.svg, // don't animate in old ie             marginright: 10,             events: {                 load: function () {                     series = this.series[0];                 },             }         },         title: {             text: ''          },         xaxis: {             title: {                 text: ''             },             gridlinewidth: 1,             startontick: true,             tickpixelinterval: 80,             categories: ['a', 'b'],             min: 0,             max: 1         },         yaxis: {             title: {                 text: ''             },             min:0,             max:200         },         plotoptions: {             line: {                 marker: {                     enabled: false                 }             },             series: {                 animation: {                     duration: 2000                 }             }         },         tooltip: {             formatter: function () {                 return highcharts.numberformat(this.y, 2);             }         },         legend: {             enabled: false         },         exporting: {             enabled: false         },         credits:{             enabled:false         },         series: [{             name: '',             data: []         }]     }); }); 


i chart on left animate on duration of 2 seconds, , used code purpose:

plotoptions: {         series: {             animation: {                 duration: 2000             }         }     } 

however, chart seems animate on instant despite setting.

could due settimeout functions? if so, there way around that?


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