visual studio 2015 - Why do I get the message "The 'NuGetPackage' package did not load correctly"? -

i spent weekend updating visual studio 2015 installation update 3. , installed core .net cli (command tools interface). , rant update " , webtools tooling".

i work, start visual studio, open our project, , this:

the 'nugetpackage' package did not load correctly.

the problem may have been caused configuration change or installation of extension. can more information examining file:


restarting visual studio resolve issue.

continue show error message?

here error activity log:

createinstance failed package [nugetpackage]source:   &apos;mscorlib&apos;   description: not load file or assembly &apos;,        version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a&apos;   or 1 of dependencies.   system cannot find file specified.   &#x000d;   &#x000a;   not load file or assembly &apos;, version=,     culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a&apos;   or 1 of dependencies. system cannot find file     specified.&#x000d;&#x000a;file name: &apos;, version=,     culture=neutral, publickeytoken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a&apos;&#x000d;&#x000a;   @ system.reflection.runtimeassembly._nload(assemblyname filename, string     codebase, evidence assemblysecurity, runtimeassembly locationhint,     stackcrawlmark&amp; stackmark, intptr pprivhostbinder,     boolean throwonfilenotfound, boolean forintrospection, boolean     suppresssecuritychecks)&#x000d;&#x000a;   @ system.reflection.runtimeassembly.nload(assemblyname filename, string     codebase, evidence assemblysecurity, runtimeassembly locationhint,     stackcrawlmark&amp; stackmark, intptr pprivhostbinder,     boolean throwonfilenotfound, boolean forintrospection, boolean     suppresssecuritychecks)&#x000d;&#x000a;   @ system.reflection.runtimeassembly.internalloadassemblyname        (assemblyname assemblyref, evidence assemblysecurity, runtimeassembly     reqassembly, stackcrawlmark&amp; stackmark, intptr pprivhostbinder, boolean     throwonfilenotfound, boolean forintrospection, boolean suppresssecuritychecks)    &#x000d;&#x000a;   @ system.activator.createinstance(string assemblystring, string     typename, boolean ignorecase, bindingflags bindingattr, binder binder, object[]     args, cultureinfo culture, object[] activationattributes, evidence     securityinfo, stackcrawlmark&amp;   stackmark)&#x000d;&#x000a;   @ system.activator.createinstance(string     assemblyname, string typename)&#x000d;&#x000a;   @ system.appdomain.createinstance(string assemblyname, string typename)    &#x000d;&#x000a;&#x000d;&#x000a;   wrn: assembly binding logging turned off.&#x000d;&#x000a;   enable assembly bind failure logging, set registry value         [hklm\software\microsoft\fusion!enablelog] (dword) 1.&#x000d;&#x000a;   note: there performance penalty associated assembly bind     failure logging.&#x000d;   &#x000a;to turn feature off, remove registry value     [hklm\software\microsoft\fusion!enablelog].&#x000d;&#x000a;</description>   <guid>{5fcc8577-4feb-4d04-ad72-d6c629b083cc}</guid> 

uninstalling , reinstalling nuget package manager tools -> extensions updates seems have fixed it.

we'll see. on post said thought worked came , said didn't: vs2015 - 'nugetpackage' package did not load correctly

check out answer: vs2015 - 'nugetpackage' package did not load correctly

completely removing nuget via extensions , updates, restarting vs re-installing nuget via extensions , updates solved issue me. full vs reinstall not necessary.


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