hibernate - grails postgressql not creating tables -

hi using grails 3 following dependency in build.gradle

runtime group: 'org.postgresql', name: 'postgresql', version: '9.4.1209' 

my application.yml has following config

hibernate:     cache:         queries: false         use_second_level_cache: true         use_query_cache: false         region.factory_class: 'org.hibernate.cache.ehcache.ehcacheregionfactory'  datasource:     pooled: true     jmxexport: true     driverclassname: org.postgresql.driver     username: postgres     password: test  environments:     development:         datasource:             dbcreate: create-drop             url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/devdb     test:         datasource:             dbcreate: update             url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/testdb     production:         datasource:             dbcreate: update             url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/proddb             properties:                 jmxenabled: true                 initialsize: 5                 maxactive: 50                 minidle: 5                 maxidle: 25                 maxwait: 10000                 maxage: 600000                 timebetweenevictionrunsmillis: 5000                 minevictableidletimemillis: 60000                 validationquery: select 1                 validationquerytimeout: 3                 validationinterval: 15000                 testonborrow: true                 testwhileidle: true                 testonreturn: false                 jdbcinterceptors: connectionstate                 defaulttransactionisolation: 2 # transaction_read_committed --- 

my domain class looks following

import grails.rest.resource  @resource(uri='/issue') class issue {     string issuekey     static constraints = {     } } 

when server starts no table created , throws following exception when reading data on list screens

caused by: org.postgresql.util.psqlexception: error: relation "issue" not exist   position: 13 

the same code works fine h2


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