How to deploy an atg project in weblogic? -

i created simple project using atg 10.2 .i want know how deploy in weblogic. please provide detailed procedure screenshots,if possible.

to provide 'detailed' procedure beyond scope of stackoverflow trying provide. said, if have understanding of weblogic management console should able follow these steps setup initial deployment:

  1. create server

    1.1 specify server name (eg. commerce) , port number server run on (eg. 8180). select 'stand-alone server'.

    1.2 once created go configuration > server start newly created server , modify 'arguments' block , include following setings (assuming running windows, unix update own paths)\atg-data -d64 -xx:parallelgcthreads=8 -dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcinterval=3600000 -dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcinterval=3600000 -xms1152m -xmx2048m -xx:newsize=128m -xx:maxnewsize=256m -xx:permsize=128m -xx:maxpermsize=256m 

    1.3 save server

  2. create datasources

    2.1 in console click on 'services > data sources'

    2.2 create 'new' datasources each of connections. minimum need connections atgswitchingds_a, atgswitchingds_b (assuming doing switching datasources) , atgproductionds. these names should match jndi names in property files. remember specify 'commerce' server target each of datasources.

  3. create deployment

    3.1 assuming you've built ear (eg. atgproduction.ear) , available in c:\deployments need create deployment in weblogic. need create deployment in console , specify target 'commerce'. once done need 'start serving requests' on deployment.

  4. start server

you should able see server running on port 8180 log files being written c:\atg-data\servers\commerce\logs.

if after things aren't running, post specific questions issues , here might able you.


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