Sinch sms api and chars with accent mark -
when try send sms "ó" char blank char instead. have read in doc that:
the default alphabet gcm 7-bit, characters in languages such arabic, chinese, korean, japanese, or cyrillic alphabet languages (e.g., ukrainian, serbian, bulgarian, etc.) must encoded using 16-bit ucs–2 character encoding.
but if encode message utf-16 (i have read ucs-2 utf-16) 40001 error. so, posible send special chars sinch?
gsm-7 , usc-2 encodings used sinch backend send message on smpp. latin1 (iso-8859-1) used, , why you're getting missing character since sms providers not support , therefore decode message using different decoder. sinch removing latin1 (which result in shorter encoded short message usc-2) support , use usc-2 instead messages cannot encoded gsm-7 or ascii.
i'm interested in 40001 you're getting. if you're setting charset utf-16 on http request should not that. if you're doing else please post code (without appkey , secret) see more how generate error.
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