Allow users to search for other users in Wordpress Frontend -

i have plugin i've created within site, shows 1 page i'm calling users , specific information users.

would possible allow users search other existing users front end of site?

this kind of thing i've got going on @ moment, haven't been able find kind of search of sort of thing, if point me in right direction it's appreciated,

i haven't included code it's not relevant really, can include if needs be,

thanks in advance!

<?php $total_users = count_users(); $total_users = $total_users['total_users']; $paged = get_query_var('paged'); $number = 20;?>  <?php      $args = array(         'order' => 'asc',         'orderby' => 'display_name',         'count_total' => 'true',         'role' => 'subscriber',         'offset' => $paged ? ($paged) * $number : 0,         'number' => $number,     );?>  <?php     $blogusers = get_users($args);?>          <?php // array of wp_user objects.             foreach ( $blogusers $user ) {?>  <?php $userid = $user->id;?>  <?php  echo '<input type="text" value="' . esc_html( $user->display_name ) . '">';?>    <div id="content">      <h2>completed courses</h2>   <!-- compliance-->        <?php         $post_args = array(             'post_type' => 'tribe_events',             'eventdisplay'=>'custom',             'start_date'     => date( 'y-m-d h:i:s', strtotime( '-365 days' ) ),             'tax_query' => array(                  array(                     'taxonomy' => 'tribe_events_cat',                     'field'    => 'slug',                     'terms'    => 'compliance',                     ),                         ),                          'meta_query' => array(                             array(                                 'key' => 'associated_people',                                 'value' => '"' . $userid . '"', // matches exaclty "123", not 123. prevents match "1234"                                 'compare' => 'like'                         )                     )                 ); ?>      <!-- membership -->                             <?php if( rcp_is_active() && 2 == rcp_get_subscription_id() ) : ?>          <?php         $post_list = new wp_query( $post_args ); ?>              <table style="width:100%">                       <tr>                     <td>compliance</td>                 </tr>                  <?php                     if( $post_list->have_posts() ) : while( $post_list->have_posts() ) : $post_list->the_post();                 ?>                      <tr>                         <td><a href="<?php the_permalink();?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></td>                         <td><?php the_field('cpd_credits'); ?></td>                     </tr>      <?php endwhile; else : ?>     <?php endif; wp_reset_query(); ?>       <?php      $total_credit = 0;      $post_list = new wp_query( $post_args ); ?>      <table style="width:100%">                <?php             if( $post_list->have_posts() ) : while( $post_list->have_posts() ) : $post_list->the_post();                 $cur_credit = get_field('cpd_credits');                 $total_credit += $cur_credit;         ?>           <?php endwhile; else : ?>         <?php endif; wp_reset_query(); ?>          <tr>             <td <?php if($total_credit >= 2): ?> style="background-color:#009137;" <?php endif; ?> <?php if($total_credit < 2): ?> style="background-color:#f50c1a;" <?php endif; ?>>                 total: <?php echo $total_credit;?> of 2 in last 12 months             </td>         </tr>          </table>          <?php endif; ?>          <!-- end of membership -->           <!-- membership b -->                             <?php if( rcp_is_active() && 3 == rcp_get_subscription_id() ) : ?>          <?php         $post_list = new wp_query( $post_args ); ?>              <table style="width:100%">                       <tr>                     <td>compliance</td>                 </tr>                  <?php                     if( $post_list->have_posts() ) : while( $post_list->have_posts() ) : $post_list->the_post();                 ?>                      <tr>                         <td><a href="<?php the_permalink();?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></td>                         <td><?php the_field('cpd_credits'); ?></td>                     </tr>      <?php endwhile; else : ?>     <?php endif; wp_reset_query(); ?>       <?php      $total_credit = 0;      $post_list = new wp_query( $post_args ); ?>      <table style="width:100%">                <?php             if( $post_list->have_posts() ) : while( $post_list->have_posts() ) : $post_list->the_post();                 $cur_credit = get_field('cpd_credits');                 $total_credit += $cur_credit;         ?>           <?php endwhile; else : ?>         <?php endif; wp_reset_query(); ?>          <tr>             <td <?php if($total_credit >= 2): ?> style="background-color:#009137;" <?php endif; ?> <?php if($total_credit < 2): ?> style="background-color:#f50c1a;" <?php endif; ?>>                 total: <?php echo $total_credit;?> of 2 in last 12 months             </td>         </tr>          </table>          <?php endif; ?>          <!-- end of membership b -->          <!-- membership c -->                             <?php if( rcp_is_active() && 4 == rcp_get_subscription_id() ) : ?>          <?php         $post_list = new wp_query( $post_args ); ?>              <table style="width:100%">                       <tr>                     <td>compliance</td>                 </tr>                  <?php                     if( $post_list->have_posts() ) : while( $post_list->have_posts() ) : $post_list->the_post();                 ?>                      <tr>                         <td><a href="<?php the_permalink();?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></td>                         <td><?php the_field('cpd_credits'); ?></td>                     </tr>      <?php endwhile; else : ?>     <?php endif; wp_reset_query(); ?>       <?php      $total_credit = 0;      $post_list = new wp_query( $post_args ); ?>      <table style="width:100%">                <?php             if( $post_list->have_posts() ) : while( $post_list->have_posts() ) : $post_list->the_post();                 $cur_credit = get_field('cpd_credits');                 $total_credit += $cur_credit;         ?>           <?php endwhile; else : ?>         <?php endif; wp_reset_query(); ?>          <tr>             <td <?php if($total_credit >= 2): ?> style="background-color:#009137;" <?php endif; ?> <?php if($total_credit < 2): ?> style="background-color:#f50c1a;" <?php endif; ?>>                 total: <?php echo $total_credit;?> of 2 in last 12 months             </td>         </tr>          </table>          <?php endif; ?>          <!-- end of membership c -->          <!-- membership d -->                             <?php if( rcp_is_active() && 5 == rcp_get_subscription_id() ) : ?>          <?php         $post_list = new wp_query( $post_args ); ?>              <table style="width:100%">                       <tr>                     <td>compliance</td>                 </tr>                  <?php                     if( $post_list->have_posts() ) : while( $post_list->have_posts() ) : $post_list->the_post();                 ?>                      <tr>                         <td><a href="<?php the_permalink();?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></td>                         <td><?php the_field('cpd_credits'); ?></td>                     </tr>      <?php endwhile; else : ?>     <?php endif; wp_reset_query(); ?>       <?php      $total_credit = 0;      $post_list = new wp_query( $post_args ); ?>      <table style="width:100%">                <?php             if( $post_list->have_posts() ) : while( $post_list->have_posts() ) : $post_list->the_post();                 $cur_credit = get_field('cpd_credits');                 $total_credit += $cur_credit;         ?>           <?php endwhile; else : ?>         <?php endif; wp_reset_query(); ?>          <tr>             <td <?php if($total_credit >= 2): ?> style="background-color:#009137;" <?php endif; ?> <?php if($total_credit < 2): ?> style="background-color:#f50c1a;" <?php endif; ?>>                 total: <?php echo $total_credit;?> of 2 in last 12 months             </td>         </tr>          </table>          <?php endif; ?>          <!-- end of membership d -->             <!-- membership e -->                             <?php if( rcp_is_active() && 6 == rcp_get_subscription_id() ) : ?>          <?php         $post_list = new wp_query( $post_args ); ?>              <table style="width:100%">                       <tr>                     <td>compliance</td>                 </tr>                  <?php                     if( $post_list->have_posts() ) : while( $post_list->have_posts() ) : $post_list->the_post();                 ?>                      <tr>                         <td><a href="<?php the_permalink();?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></td>                         <td><?php the_field('cpd_credits'); ?></td>                     </tr>      <?php endwhile; else : ?>     <?php endif; wp_reset_query(); ?>       <?php      $total_credit = 0;      $post_list = new wp_query( $post_args ); ?>      <table style="width:100%">                <?php             if( $post_list->have_posts() ) : while( $post_list->have_posts() ) : $post_list->the_post();                 $cur_credit = get_field('cpd_credits');                 $total_credit += $cur_credit;         ?>           <?php endwhile; else : ?>         <?php endif; wp_reset_query(); ?>          <tr>             <td <?php if($total_credit >= 2): ?> style="background-color:#009137;" <?php endif; ?> <?php if($total_credit < 2): ?> style="background-color:#f50c1a;" <?php endif; ?>>                 total: <?php echo $total_credit;?> of 2 in last 12 months             </td>         </tr>          </table>          <?php endif; ?>          <!-- end of membership e -->           <!-- end of compliance--> 


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