firebase - Swift - Could not cast value of type '__NSCFString' to 'NSDictionary' -

i got error, i'm trying string dictionary. code:

firdatabase.database().reference().child("users").child(uid).observeeventtype(.childadded, withblock: { (snapshot) in              let dictionary = snapshot.value as! nsdictionary              if let username = dictionary["name"] as? string {        = username             }              if let userlogin = dictionary["login"] as? string {                 cell.login.text = userlogin             }          }) 

in firebase database "name" , "login" both strings. cannot understand what's problem.

any appreciated!

issue regards snapshot cast nsdictionary. since snapshot value string. try this:

firdatabase.database().reference().child("users").child(uid).observeeventtype(.childadded, withblock: { (snapshot) in          if let dictionary = snapshot.value as? nsdictionary {              if let username = dictionary["name"] as? string {        = username             }              if let userlogin = dictionary["login"] as? string {                 cell.login.text = userlogin             }         }     }) 
