java - find another META-INF/persistence.xml -

i have problem: project search persistence.xml in directory


    @configuration @enabletransactionmanagement @enablejparepositories(         basepackages = {"com.psc.repository", "com.psc.export.itconfig.repositories"},         repositoryfactorybeanclass = customrepositoryfactorybean.class) @enablejpaauditing public class jpatestconfig {      @bean     public hibernatejpavendoradapter jpavendoradapter() {         hibernatejpavendoradapter vendoradapter = new hibernatejpavendoradapter();         return vendoradapter;     }      @bean     public localcontainerentitymanagerfactorybean entitymanagerfactory() {         localcontainerentitymanagerfactorybean factory = new localcontainerentitymanagerfactorybean();         factory.setpersistenceunitname("psc_test");         return factory;     }      @bean     public entitymanager entitymanager(entitymanagerfactory emf) {         return emf.createentitymanager();     }      @bean     public platformtransactionmanager transactionmanager() {         return new jpatransactionmanager();     }      @bean     auditoraware auditoraware() {         return (auditoraware<string>) () -> {             final string username = optional.ofnullable(vaadinservice.getcurrentrequest())                     .map(request -> optional.ofnullable(request.getuserprincipal())                             .map(principal -> principal.getname())                             .orelse(request.getremoteuser()))                     .orelse(appdata.getappdata().getcurrentuser());              return username;         };     } } 

path of class above test\java\configurations\

there xml file in path test\resources\meta-inf\persistence.xml

when run test refer persistence.xml in absolutely different package of project. how fix it? in persistence.xml doesn't exist unit (psc_test)

test class

    @runwith(springjunit4classrunner.class) //@springapplicationconfiguration(classes = application.class) @webappconfiguration @contextconfiguration(classes = {jpatestconfig.class, servicesconfig.class,}) public class branchcontrollertest {          @autowired         private webapplicationcontext wac;            private mockmvc mockmvc;          @before         public void setup() {             this.mockmvc = mockmvcbuilders.webappcontextsetup(this.wac).build();    }          @test         public void getfoo() throws exception {    /*  code here */         }  } 

firstly, times ambiguity occurs... testing purpose create new workspace , keeping project want test.dont keep unnecessary project if works or otherwise problem path. or else.. can change persistence name , check whether still pointing persistence.xml or not.


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