javascript - JqueryGrid bind taking time when passing data from controller -

i have problem when fetch more 20k data using api.

data fetching fast when bind in jquery grid taking time 5 8 min

here using jquery plugin in db.js , binding in view page , taking soo time.

i working on mvc4(.net).


[httpget]     public actionresult getmerchandise(string vendor = "", string desc = "", string model = "", string sku = "", string sku2 = "",                 string comment = "", string received = "", int location = 0, int barcode = 0, string barcodeprinted = "",         string lastupdate = "", int damage = 0, string created = "", string shipdate = "", string consumedate = "", string pending = "",         string isdonated = "", string retreq = "", string returnto = "", int quantity = 0, string grname = "", int custid = 0)     {         var model = new itemmodels();         itembl objitem = new itembl();         codebl objcode = new codebl();          if (session["currentcustomerid"] != null)         {             titemapicontroller _apititem = new titemapicontroller();             //var itemlist = _apititem.getitemsbycustomerid(convert.toint32(session["currentcustomerid"]), model, desc);             var itemlist = _apititem.getitemsbycustomerid(convert.toint32(session["currentcustomerid"]));             ienumerable<sp_titems_getbycustomerid_result> filtereditem;              filtereditem = itemlist.where(x =>                 (model != "" ? (x.modelnumber != null && x.modelnumber.tolower().contains(model.trim().tolower())) : true)                  && (desc != "" ? (x.description != null && x.description.tolower().contains(desc.trim().tolower())) : true)                 && (barcode != 0 ? (x.barcode != 0 && x.barcode.tostring().contains(barcode.tostring())) : true)                && (vendor != "" ? (x.source != null && x.source.tolower().contains(vendor.trim().tolower())) : true)                && (comment != "" ? (x.comments != null && x.comments.tolower().contains(comment.trim().tolower())) : true)                && (sku != "" ? (x.sku != null && x.sku.tolower().contains(sku.trim().tolower())) : true)                && (sku2 != "" ? (x.sku2 != null && x.sku2.tolower().contains(sku2.trim().tolower())) : true)                 && (custid != 0 ? (x.customerid != null && x.customerid.tostring().contains(custid.tostring())) : true)                 && (barcodeprinted != "" ? (x.bcprinted != null && x.bcprinted == convert.toboolean(barcodeprinted)) : true)                 && (pending != "" ? (x.pendingshipment != null && x.pendingshipment == convert.toboolean(pending)) : true)                 && (isdonated != "" ? (x.donated != null && x.donated == convert.toboolean(isdonated)) : true)                 && (retreq != "" ? (x.returnrequested != null && x.returnrequested == convert.toboolean(retreq)) : true)                 && (returnto != "" ? (x.returnto != null && x.returnto.tostring().contains(returnto.trim())) : true)                 && (quantity != 0 ? (x.quantity != null && x.quantity.tostring().contains(quantity.tostring())) : true)                 && (grname != "" ? (x.groupname != null && x.groupname.tostring().contains(grname.tostring())) : true)                 && (location != 0 ? (x.locationid != null && x.locationid.tostring().contains(location.tostring())) : true)                 && (damage != 0 ? (x.damagecodeid != null && x.damagecodeid.tostring().contains(damage.tostring())) : true)                 ).tolist();              //filtereditem = itemlist.tolist();              model.itemlist = =>             {                 return new itemmodels()                 {                     barcode = x.barcode,                     customerid = x.customerid != null ? x.customerid.value : 0,                     bcprinted = x.bcprinted != null ? x.bcprinted.value : false,                      consumedate = x.consumedate.hasvalue != false ? x.consumedate.value : default(datetime),                     comments = x.comments != null ? x.comments : "",                     strcreateddate = x.createddate.hasvalue != false ? x.createddate.value.tostring("mm/dd/yyyy") : "",                     damagecode = x.damagecodeid != null ? x.damagecodeid.value : 0,                     strdeliveredforshotdate = x.deliveredforshotdate.hasvalue != false ? x.deliveredforshotdate.value.tostring("mm/dd/yyyy") : "",                     description = x.description != null ? x.description : "",                     description2 = x.description2 != null ? x.description2 : "",                     donated = x.donated != null ? x.donated.value : false,                     groupname = x.groupname != null ? x.groupname : "",                     itemname = x.itemname != null ? x.itemname : "",                     itemtypecodeid = x.itemtypecodeid != null ? x.itemtypecodeid.value : 0,                      strlastuseddate = x.lastuseddate.hasvalue != false ? x.lastuseddate.value.tostring("mm/dd/yyyy") : "",                     strlastupdateddate = x.lastupdateddate.hasvalue != false ? x.lastupdateddate.value.tostring("mm/dd/yyyy") : "",                     //lastupdateddate = x.lastupdateddate.hasvalue != false ? x.lastupdateddate.value : default(datetime),                      location = x.locationid != null ? x.locationid : "",                     //locationid = x.locationid != null ? oblloc.getalllocationsbyid(x.locationid).firstordefault().description : "",                     locationid = x.locationdescription != null ? x.locationdescription : "",                      strmerchordered = x.merchordered.hasvalue != false ? x.merchordered.value.tostring("mm/dd/yyyy") : "",                     modelnumber = x.modelnumber != null ? x.modelnumber : "",                      strorderdate = x.orderdate.hasvalue != false ? x.orderdate.value.tostring("mm/dd/yyyy") : "",                     packinglistid = x.packinglistid != null ? x.packinglistid.value : 0,                     pendingshipment = x.pendingshipment != null ? x.pendingshipment.value : false,                     pickup = x.pickup != null ? x.pickup.value : false,                     quantity = x.quantity != null ? x.quantity.value : 0,                      //receivedate = x.receivedate.hasvalue != false ? x.receivedate.value : default(datetime),                     strreceivedate = x.receivedate.hasvalue != false ? x.receivedate.value.tostring("mm/dd/yyyy") : "",                      strreleasedate = x.releasedate.hasvalue != false ? x.shipdate.value.tostring("mm/dd/yyyy") : "",                     returnrequested = x.returnrequested != null ? x.returnrequested.value : false,                     returnto = x.returnto != null ? x.returnto : "",                      //shipdate = x.shipdate.hasvalue != false ? x.shipdate.value : default(datetime),                      sku = x.sku != null ? x.sku : "",                     sku2 = x.sku2 != null ? x.sku2 : "",                     source = x.source != null ? x.source : "",                     upc = x.upc != null ? x.upc : "",                       strconsumedate = x.consumedate.hasvalue != false ? x.consumedate.value.tostring("mm/dd/yyyy") : "",                     strshipdate = x.shipdate.hasvalue != false ? x.shipdate.value.tostring("mm/dd/yyyy") : "",                  };                 //}).tolist();                 //}).orderbydescending(x => x.shipdate).tolist();             }).orderbydescending(x => x.barcode).tolist();          }            var jsonresult = json(model.itemlist, jsonrequestbehavior.allowget);         jsonresult.maxjsonlength = int.maxvalue;          return jsonresult;     }      public actionresult getmerchant()     {         try         {             locationbl oblloc = new locationbl();             codebl objcode = new codebl();             var location = oblloc.getalllocationsbyid("");             var code = objcode.getalldamagecodebyid(0).where(x => x.codegroupid == 3).tolist();             var model = new itemmodels();             var loc = => new { x.locationid, x.description }).tolist();             var loctempvalue = new { locationid = "", description = "" };             loc.insert(0, loctempvalue);             var damage = => new { x.codevalue, x.codeid }).tolist();             var dmgtempvalue = new { codevalue = "", codeid = 0 };             damage.insert(0, dmgtempvalue);             var result = new { loc = loc, dam = damage };             return json(result, jsonrequestbehavior.allowget);         }         catch (exception ex)         {             throw ex;         }     } 


<script>     $(function () {         $.ajax({             type: "get",                         url: "/merchandiselist/getmerchant",             datatype:"json"         }).done(function (data) {              //$("#leftmenu").hide();             //reloadpage(data);              var mydatefield = function (config) {       , config);             };                          mydatefield.prototype = new jsgrid.field({                                sorter: function (date1, date2) {                     return new date(date1) - new date(date2);                 },                  itemtemplate: function (value) {                     //debugger                     if (value == "")                         return "";                     else {                          var date = new date(value).todatestring()                         //var date = new date(value).todatestring("mm/dd/yyyy")                         //return new date(value).todatestring();                         //return value;                          var d = new date(date),                         month = '' + (d.getmonth() + 1),                         day = '' + d.getdate(),                         year = d.getfullyear();                          if (month.length < 2) month = '0' + month;                         if (day.length < 2) day = '0' + day;                          var df = [month, day, year].join('/');                         date = df;                         return date;                      }                 },                  inserttemplate: function (value) {                     //debugger                     return this._insertpicker = $("<input>").datepicker({ defaultdate: new date() });                 },                  edittemplate: function (value) {                     //debugger                      if (value == "")                         return this._editpicker = $("<input>").datepicker({ defaultdate: new date() });                     else {                         return this._editpicker = $("<input>").datepicker().datepicker("setdate", new date(value));                     }                 },                  insertvalue: function () {                      debugger                     if (this._insertpicker.datepicker("getdate") != null)                         return this._insertpicker.datepicker("getdate");         //.toisostring("mm/dd/yyyy")                      else                         return this._insertpicker.datepicker("getdate");                  },                  editvalue: function () {                     debugger                     if (this._editpicker.datepicker("getdate") != null) {                         //.toisostring("mm/dd/yyyy")                          return this._editpicker.datepicker("getdate");                     }                         //return this._editpicker.datepicker("getdate").toisostring();                     else                         return this._editpicker.datepicker("getdate");                 }              });              jsgrid.fields.mydatefield = mydatefield;              $("#jsgrid").jsgrid({                 height: "50%",                 width: "100%",                 filtering: true,                 editing: true,                 editbuttontooltip: "edit",                 inserting: true,                 sorting: true,                 paging: true,                 autoload: true,                 pagebuttoncount: 5,                 pagesize: 10,                 confirmdeleting: true,                                deleteconfirm: "do want delete merchandise?",                 refreshtext: "refresh",                 refreshtitle:"reload grid",                  controller: db,                  fields: [                     { type: "control" },                     {                         name: "source", type: "text", width: 120, title: "vendor"                     },                     {                         name: "description", type: "text", width: 210,                         validate: { message: "description required!", validator: function (value) { return value != ""; } }                     },                     {                         name: "modelnumber", type: "text", width: 120, title: "model#/item"                     },                     { name: "sku", type: "text", width: 90 },                     { name: "sku2", type: "text", width: 90 },                     { name: "comments", type: "text", width: 200 },                     { name: "strreceivedate", type: "mydatefield", width: 80, align: "center", title: "received" },                                         { name: "location", type: "select", items: data.loc, valuefield: "locationid", textfield: "description", width: 100 },                     { name: "barcode", width: 80 },                     { name: "barcodeprinted", type: "checkbox", title: "barcode printed", sorting: false },                     //{ name: "strlastupdateddate", type: "mydatefield", width: 80, title: "last updated" },                     { name: "strlastuseddate", type: "mydatefield", width: 80, title: "last updated" },                     { name: "damagecode", type: "select", items: data.dam, valuefield: "codeid", textfield: "codevalue", title: "damage" },                     { name: "strcreateddate", editable: false, width: 80, title: "created date", type: "mydatefield" },                     { name: "strshipdate", type: "mydatefield", mycustomproperty: "bar", width: 80, title: "ship date" },                     { name: "strconsumedate", type: "mydatefield", mycustomproperty: "bar", width: 80, title: "consume date" },                     { name: "pendingshipment", type: "checkbox", title: "pending", sorting: false, width: 60 },                     { name: "donated", type: "checkbox", title: "is donated", sorting: false, width: 60 },                     { name: "returnrequested", type: "checkbox", title: "return requested", sorting: false },                     { name: "returnto", type: "text", width: 150, title: "return to" },                     { name: "quantity", type: "number", width: 50, title: "qty" },                     { name: "groupname", type: "text", width: 150, title: "group name" },                     { name: "customerid", width: 100, title: "customer id" }                                    ],             });          });      }); </script> 

db.js :

(function () {     debugger     var db = {          loaddata: function (filter) {                         var startindex = (filter.pageindex - 1) * filter.pagesize;//,pagesize:startindex + filter.pagesize,pageindex:startindex             return $.ajax({                 type: "get",                 url: "/merchandiselist/getmerchandise",                 data: {                     vendor: filter.source, desc: filter.description, model: filter.modelnumber, sku: filter.sku, sku2: filter.sku2,                     comment: filter.comments, received: filter.strreceivedate, location: filter.location, barcode: filter.barcode,                     barcodeprinted: filter.barcodeprinted, lastupdate: filter.strlastuseddate, damage: filter.damagecode,                     created: filter.strcreateddate, shipdate: filter.strshipdate, consumedate: filter.strconsumedate,                     pending: filter.pendingshipment, isdonated: filter.isdonated, retreq: filter.returnrequested,                     returnto: filter.returnto, quantity: filter.quantity, grname: filter.groupname, custid: filter.customerid                 },                 datatype: "json", success: function (result) {                     itemscount: result.length                 }             });         },          insertitem: function (insertingclient) {             return $.ajax({                 type: "post",                 url: "/merchandiselist/insertmerchandise",                 data: {                     source: insertingclient.source, description: insertingclient.description, modelnumber: insertingclient.modelnumber, sku: insertingclient.sku,                     sku2: insertingclient.sku2, comments: insertingclient.comments, receiveddate: insertingclient.strreceivedate,                     location: insertingclient.location, barcodeprinted: insertingclient.barcodeprinted, strlastuseddate: insertingclient.strlastupdateddate,                     damagecode: insertingclient.damagecode, strcreateddate: insertingclient.strcreateddate, strshipdate: insertingclient.strshipdate,                     strconsumedate: insertingclient.strconsumedate, pendingshipment: insertingclient.pendingshipment, donated: insertingclient.donated,                     returnrequested: insertingclient.returnrequested, returnto: insertingclient.returnto,                     quantity: insertingclient.quantity, groupname: insertingclient.groupname                  },                 datatype: "json",                 success: function (result) {                                         loadmerchlist();                     //window.location.href = "/test"                                     },                 error: function (result) {                                         //alert('0');                     loadmerchlist();                 },             });         },          updateitem: function (updatingclient) {                         //var d = new date(parseint(updatingclient.receivedate.substr(6))).toutcstring();                         return $.ajax({                 type: "post",                 url: "/merchandiselist/updatemerchandise",                 data: {                     source: updatingclient.source, description: updatingclient.description, modelnumber: updatingclient.modelnumber, sku: updatingclient.sku,                     sku2: updatingclient.sku2, comments: updatingclient.comments,                     strreceivedate: (updatingclient.strreceivedate != null && updatingclient.strreceivedate != "") ? updatingclient.strreceivedate.toutcstring() : "",                     location: updatingclient.location, barcode: updatingclient.barcode, barcodeprinted: updatingclient.barcodeprinted,                     //strlastuseddate: (updatingclient.strlastupdateddate != null && updatingclient.strlastupdateddate != "") ? updatingclient.strlastupdateddate.toutcstring() : "",                     damagecode: updatingclient.damagecode,                     //strcreateddate: (updatingclient.strcreateddate != null && updatingclient.strcreateddate != "") ? updatingclient.strcreateddate.toutcstring() : "",                     strshipdate: (updatingclient.strshipdate != null && updatingclient.strcreateddate != "") ? updatingclient.strshipdate.toutcstring() : "",                     strconsumedate: (updatingclient.strconsumedate != null && updatingclient.strcreateddate != "") ? updatingclient.strconsumedate.toutcstring() : "",                     pendingshipment: updatingclient.pendingshipment, donated: updatingclient.donated, returnrequested: updatingclient.returnrequested, returnto: updatingclient.returnto,                     quantity: updatingclient.quantity, groupname: updatingclient.groupname                 },                 datatype: "json",                 success: function (result) {                                         loadmerchlist();                     //window.location.href = "/test"                                     },                 error: function (result) {                                        //alert('0');                     loadmerchlist();                 },             });         },          deleteitem: function (deletingclient) {              var barcode = deletingclient.barcode;             return $.ajax({                 type: "post",                 url: "/merchandiselist/deletemerchandise",                 data: { barcode: barcode },                 datatype: "json",                 success: function (result) {                                         loadmerchlist();                     //window.location.href = "/test"                                     },                 error: function (result) {                                         //alert('0');                     loadmerchlist();                 },             });             //var clientindex = $.inarray(deletingclient, this.clients);             //this.clients.splice(clientindex, 1);         },          finishinsert: function (inserteditem) {             this.clients.push(insertingclient);         },                 // handles finish of inserting item controller.insertitem          finishdelete: function (deleteitem, deleteditemindex) {             var clientindex = $.inarray(deletingclient, this.clients);             this.clients.splice(clientindex, 1);                     }     };      window.db = db; }()); 

i think problem causes linq query. think linq query creates big sql query , causes performance problem. can use performance linq query. in application, can see sql query generated , can fix it.


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