powershell - writing output file as .txt or .csv to script containing multiple conditions -

i have written script checks service status, tests 2 paths , tests registry value. getting output on power shell console (that because using write-output command). there way write single 1 page output file? struggling find way out-file entire output file.

below script.

$testpath = test-path "c:\test"  $testpath2 = test-path "c:\test"   $mcshieldk = get-service -name mcshield | select name   $internet = (get-itemproperty -path "hklm:\software\microsoft\internet explorer").mkenabled $hostname = hostname  write-host "hostname of comuter is" $hostname if (test-path $machinetype) {}   else { write-host "internet is" $internet }   if ($testpath -eq $true -and $testpath2 -eq $true)   {  write-host "test , test1 folder exists" -foregroundcolor green  }   else{ write-host "folder not exists" -foregroundcolor red  }  if($mcshield.name -eq "mcshield") { write-host "mcshield service exists" }   else { write-host "mcshield not exists"  } 

below console output

hostname of comuter server1 internet yes test , test1 folder exists mcshield  not exists 

swap out write-host cmdlets or add in line following:

"your output text $yourvariable" | out-file -filepath "c:\log.txt" -append -encoding utf8 

this append string end of log file c:\log.txt. note, missing -append parameter cause file overwritten.

you can use follow give same affect:

"your output text $yourvariable" >> "c:\log.txt" 

but not mix 2 methods might encoding errors in text file. if wish overwrite file second method use > instead of >>.


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