java - debug mode breakpoints does not work in valueChangeListener -

ı not warning or error messages in console. debug mode breakpoints not work in valuechangelistener method in bean class. methods work @ debug mode in bean class. ı tried ajax listener.(ı using maven) anbody have idea?

xhtml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en"  ""> <html xmlns="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:b="" xmlns:p="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:ui=""> <h:body> <ui:composition template="/template/template.xhtml">     <ui:define name="menu">         <ui:include src="/template/menu.xhtml">             <ui:param name="menuid" value="4"></ui:param>         </ui:include>     </ui:define>     <ui:define name="content">         <ui:include src="../template/progress.xhtml"></ui:include>                           <h:form id="nameform">                                   <h:outputscript library="primefaces" name="jquery/jquery.js"       />                 <b:column col-xs="12" col-md="8">                 <b:panel style="width:80%">                     <b:panelgrid colspans="4,8">                         <p:tabview id="tabview" style="min-width:450px;" >                             <p:tab title="..." >                                 <b:panelgrid colspans="3,9" columns="2"                                 cellpadding="10">                             <p:selectonemenu value="#{beancontroller.a}"                                          id="aid"                                         valuechangelistener="#{beancontroller.aselected}" onchange="submit()">                                                                                   <p:ajax event="change"/>                                         <f:selectitems                                              value="#{beancontroller.alist}" />                                      </p:selectonemenu>                                                                   </b:panelgrid>                             </p:tab>

@managedbean(name = "beancontroller") @viewscoped public class beancontroller { public void aselected(valuechangeevent event){ 

you can use <f:ajax />, :     <f:ajax event="blur" listener="#{beancontroller.updatedatalistener}" update=":#{p:component('tabview')}"/>    @managedbean(name = "beancontroller") @sessionscoped public class beancontroller implements serializable{    private string a;    public void updatedatalistener(ajaxbehaviorevent event)     {           ......     } } 


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