android - Appium locating child element with specific value in Java -

i struggling navigation drawer on native android app.

so there 11 elements in drawer, 9 visible, rest have scroll down.

appium inspector view

those elements contain 2 child elements, first - imageview, second - textview element.

appium inspector view

what want do, create method iterate through visible drawer elements in search element specific name , tap on it, if elements invisible, scroll drawer down/up , repeat iteration.

so need loop iterate through textview elements, locate 1 need using text attribute , click on parent element of textview.

however i'm struggling locating elements using xpath , appium can not seem find them.

can me understand how specify xpath dynamically can iterate through elements?

thank you.

you try have below. uses pageobject model, along selenium , appium. takes advantage of uiautomator, rather xpath.

public class pageobjectxyz {      private androiddriver driver;      @androidfindby(uiautomator = "new uiselector().classname("android.widget.textview")")     private list<mobileelements> sometextviews;      public pageobjectxyz(androiddriver driver) {         this.driver = driver;         pagefactory.initelements(new appiumfielddecorator(driver), this);     }      public void clicktheoneiwant(string option){         for(mobileelement me: sometextviews){             if(me.getattribute("text").equals(option)){                 this.driver.tap(1, me, 1000);                 break;             }         }     } } 

if want quick , dirty using xpath, like(some assembly may required):

string x = "//recyclerview/relativelayout/relativelayout/textview"; string y = "//recyclerview/relativelayout/relativelayout";  android driver = new androiddriver(new url("http://localhost:4723/wd/hub"), desiredcapabilities);  arraylist<mobileelements> arraytextviews = driver.findelementsbyxpath(x); arraylist<mobileelements> arrayparentelements = driver.findelementsbyxpath(y);  for(int = 0; < arraytextviews.size(); i++){     if(arraytextviews.get(i).gettext().equals("text want")){         arrayparentelements.get(i).click();     } } 


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