excel - Pivot Table Field has no items -

i working on series of pivot tables on excel, particular filter automated in following way: user inputs particular value in 1 cell, , filters across workbook refresh accordingly. have been reading posts in stack exchange explain how it. however, have come across issue have been unable solve.

my data comes external microsoft access database. have created connexion between database , excel file; data imported excel file displayed table tblexcel. pivot tables linked tblexcel.

to refresh filters, want use following line:

item.visible = (item.caption = cd) 

where item pivotitems object , cd value inputted user. line wasn't working, wrote following subroutine check something:

sub test()  check = 0  each field in application.activeworkbook.worksheets("sheet1").pivottables("pivottable").pivotfields("[tblexcel].[field1].[field1]").pivotitems     check = check + 1 next  msgbox check  end sub  

it turns out msgbox returns invariably 0, fields, empty.

does know why happening? due data model structure? how circumvent it?

try following code, debug purposes have inputbox, write down field1 value want pivot table filter to.

option explicit public sub filter_pivottable_items()  dim pvttbl                              pivottable dim pvtfld                              pivotfield dim cd                                  string  ' setting pivot table pivottable object set pvttbl = activeworkbook.worksheets("sheet1").pivottables("pivottable")  application.screenupdating = false  ' set pivot table show selected project's data set pvtfld = pvttbl.pivotfields("field1")  ' select manually value field 1 >> debug purpose cd = inputbox("select item") call selectpivotitem(pvtfld, cd)  end sub   public sub selectpivotitem(field pivotfield, cd string)  dim item                            pivotitem  on error goto cd_error each item in field.pivotitems     item.visible = (item.caption = cd) next  cd_error: if err.number = 1004     msgbox "item " & cd & " not found !"     exit sub end if  end sub 


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