logging - Python- How to configure the log to a file and print to console using ini file -

i'm new python , i'm trying log file , console, saw question: logger configuration log file , print stdout

which helpful saw there way configure ini file , use in every module.

problem seems doesn't take properties ini file , if don't explicitly define formatter in code uses default logging without format gave him in ini file:

    configfolder = os.getcwd() + os.sep + 'configuration'     fileconfig(configfolder + os.sep + 'logging_config.ini')     logger = logging.getlogger(__name__)     # create file handler     handler = logging.filehandler('logger.log')     handler.setlevel(logging.info)      # add handlers logger     logger.addhandler(handler)     logger.info('hello') 

output just:


instead of :

2016-08-08 15:16:42,954 - __main__ - info - hello 

this ini file:

[loggers] keys=root  [handlers] keys=stream_handler  [formatters] keys=formatter  [logger_root] level=info handlers=stream_handler  [handler_stream_handler] class=streamhandler level=info formatter=formatter args=(sys.stderr,)  [formatter_formatter] format=%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s 


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