python - JWT integration with django -

i new django (not drf) , have hard time configuring authentication requirements. have external authentication service gets username , password , returns jwt. after have jwt how should save token , provide every request browser. , after can validate it?


for every call service there should header call

{'authorization':'token 9944b09199c62bcf9418ad846dd0e4bbdfc6ee4b'} 

and can use in :

            if request.user.is_authenticated(): 

it has included in settings file of django project.

jwt_auth = {     # 'jwt_encode_handler':     # 'rest_framework_jwt.utils.jwt_encode_handler',      # 'jwt_decode_handler':     # 'rest_framework_jwt.utils.jwt_decode_handler',      # 'jwt_payload_handler':     # 'rest_framework_jwt.utils.jwt_payload_handler',      # 'jwt_payload_get_user_id_handler':     # 'rest_framework_jwt.utils.jwt_get_user_id_from_payload_handler',      # 'jwt_response_payload_handler':     # 'rest_framework_jwt.utils.jwt_response_payload_handler',      # 'jwt_secret_key': settings.secret_key,     # 'jwt_algorithm': 'hs256',     # 'jwt_verify': true,     # 'jwt_verify_expiration': false,     # 'jwt_leeway': 0,     'jwt_expiration_delta': datetime.timedelta(days=1),     # 'jwt_audience': none,     # 'jwt_issuer': none,      # 'jwt_allow_refresh': false,     # 'jwt_refresh_expiration_delta': datetime.timedelta(days=7),      # 'jwt_auth_header_prefix': 'jwt', } 

read more here.


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