mvc - How to render .cshtml as Email Body using SendGrid+MVC4? -

i trying send email, normal email able send. have send template(.cshtml) in email.

please tell me how can this.

here code:


public actionresult sendemaildeviceinfodisplay(list<string> devicedataildata)         {             string body = "";             var emailcontoller = new emailcontroller();             string email = devicedataildata[9];              body = "<html>event name: " + devicedataildata[0] +"</html>";              var sendemail = emailcontoller.senddeviceandeventinfomail(email, body);    = devicedataildata[8];             return partialview("sendemailconformationdisplay");         } 

sendgrid method:

public string senddeviceandeventinfomail(string email, string body){                             var mymessage = new sendgridmessage();             mymessage.from = new mailaddress("");             list<string> recipients = new list<string> { email };             mymessage.addto(recipients);             mymessage.subject = "information";             mymessage.html = body;             var transportweb = new web(nc);             transportweb.deliver(mymessage);             return "done";         } 

ajax call:

$(function () {         var loggedinemailid = $('#buildingsession').val();         $('#sendasemaildeviceconformationdialog').dialog({             autoopen: false,             width: '27.5em',             position: { my: 'top', at: 'top+150' },             opacity: 100,             resizable: false,             //title: 'product',             modal: true,             closeonescape: false,             open: function (event, ui) {                 $(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close", ui.dialog | ui).hide();                  $.ajax({                     url: '/overview/sendemaildeviceinfodisplay',                     traditional: true,                     data: data,                                         success: function (result) {                         $('.ui-button-text').hide();                         $('#sendasemaildeviceconformationdialog').html(result);                     },                     error: function () {                     }                 });             }         }); 

i had similar requirement before , while possible found more issues worth went different way. while not answer question directly alternate approach problem.

the basic idea avoid complexity of using cshtml. used following basic poco object , stored in database:

public interface iemailtemplate {     ... other db related fields     string name { get; set; }     string fromemail { get; set; }     string fromdisplayname { get; set; }     string subject { get; set; }     string textmessage { get; set; }     string htmlmessage { get; set; }     emailpriority priority { get; set; } } 

this allows me manage email without recompiling , re-deploying project.

when need use it, load template , build out email message. use data replacements using follow logic:

    private string datareplacements(string input, object args)     {         if (input.isnulloremptyorblank())         {             return string.empty;         }         return args != null ? smart.default.format(input, args) : input;     }      subject = datareplacements(template.subject, datamodel);     textmessage = datareplacements(template.textmessage, datamodel);     htmlmessage = datareplacements(template.htmlmessage, datamodel); 

again while not answering direct question path gave me lot more flexibility without hassle.


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