How to record audio file using MediaRecorder and save to sdcard in android -

i working on 1 module record voice , upload php server using multipartentity.

i able record voice , saving file in sdcard whenever trying uplaod file php server (using mpe), not uploading , server getting blank file content.

while in device able play voice , working fine in device. issue uploading. using same code upload other media images , video , other files. working fine. issue recorded file.

this code record voice.

    mediarecorder recorder = new mediarecorder();     recorder.reset();      recorder.setaudiosource(mediarecorder.audiosource.mic);     recorder.setoutputformat(mediarecorder.outputformat.mpeg_4);     recorder.setaudioencoder(mediarecorder.audioencoder.default);      string filepath = environment.getexternalstoragedirectory() + "/" + environment.directory_dcim + "/abc.mp4";     recorder.setoutputfile(filepath); // file path store data      recorder.prepare();     recorder.start(); 

and using multipart upload voice recording on server.

this multipartentity code.

public class multipartutility {      private static final string line_feed = "\r\n";     private static final int timeout = 60000;     private final string boundary;     private httpurlconnection httpconn;     private outputstream outputstream;     private printwriter writer;      public multipartutility(string requesturl) throws ioexception {          boundary = "======" + system.currenttimemillis() + "======";          url url = new url(requesturl);         httpconn = (httpurlconnection) url.openconnection();         httpconn.setusecaches(false);         httpconn.setdooutput(true); // indicates post method         httpconn.setdoinput(true);         httpconn.setreadtimeout(timeout);         httpconn.setconnecttimeout(timeout);          httpconn.setrequestproperty("content-type", "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary);          httpconn.setrequestproperty("connection", "keep-alive");          // ================         outputstream = httpconn.getoutputstream();         writer = new printwriter(new outputstreamwriter(outputstream, "utf-8"), true);     }      public void addformfield(string name, string value) {         writer.append("--").append(boundary).append(line_feed);         writer.append("content-disposition: form-data; name=\"").append(name).append("\"").append(line_feed);         //writer.append("content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8").append(line_feed);         writer.append(line_feed).append(value).append(line_feed);         writer.flush();     }      public void addfilepart(string fieldname, file uploadfile) throws ioexception {          string filename = uploadfile.getname();          writer.append("--").append(boundary).append(line_feed);         writer.append("content-disposition: form-data; name=\"").append(fieldname).append("\"; filename=\"").append(filename).append("\"").append(line_feed);         writer.append("content-type: ").append(urlconnection.guesscontenttypefromname(filename)).append(line_feed);         writer.append("content-transfer-encoding: binary").append(line_feed);         writer.append(line_feed);         writer.flush();          fileinputstream inputstream = new fileinputstream(uploadfile);          byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];          int bytesread;          while ((bytesread = != -1) {             outputstream.write(buffer, 0, bytesread);         }          outputstream.flush();         inputstream.close();          writer.append(line_feed).flush();     }      public string execute() throws ioexception {          string response = "";          writer.append(line_feed).flush();         writer.append("--").append(boundary).append("--").append(line_feed);         writer.close();          int status = httpconn.getresponsecode();          if (status == httpurlconnection.http_ok) {              bufferedreader reader = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(httpconn.getinputstream()));              string line;              while ((line = reader.readline()) != null) {                 response += line;             }              reader.close();          } else {             return null;         }          httpconn.disconnect();          return response;     } 

i have searched lot on same topic on web not getting exect solution issue.

please me friends. thanx in advance

maybe video you.


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