params does not contain POST Body in Elixir / Phoenix -

i try build simple rest api. not include database or models.

here's router:

defmodule zentonies.router   use zentonies.web, :router    pipeline :browser     plug :accepts, ["html"]     plug :fetch_session     plug :fetch_flash     plug :protect_from_forgery     plug :put_secure_browser_headers   end    pipeline :api     plug :accepts, ["json"]   end    scope "/v1/events/", zentonies     pipe_through :api     post "/call", pagecontroller, :call   end  end 

here controller:

defmodule zentonies.pagecontroller   require logger   import joken   use zentonies.web, :controller    def index(conn, _params)     render conn, "index.html"   end    def call(conn, params)     logger.debug inspect(params)     conn     |> put_status(200)     |> text("response.")   end end 

now, if http post endpoint, inspect(params) not return json body of post request. instead returns :call.

any appreciated!

a call/2 function defined phoenix own use dispatch correct action in every phoenix controller. creating function name you're overriding builtin functionality. you'll have use different name action. check out section "controllers plugs" in documentation of phoenix.controller.pipeline:

controllers plugs

like routers, controllers plugs, wired dispatch particular function called action.

for example, route:

get "/users/:id", usercontroller, :show 

will invoke usercontroller plug:, :show) 

which trigger plug pipeline , invoke inner action plug dispatches show/2 function in usercontroller.


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