Unable to read values from contract deployed in hyperledger blockchain -

i have set hyperledger blockchain locally. run hyperledger bc service within docker container. able bring node successfully, able deploy , write bc using sample contract.

but couldnt read data block chain. below error message bc throws. can pls guide what's wrong here ?

    [ibc-js] deploy chaincode - complete {"query":{},"invoke":{},"details":{"deployed_name":"c123c14a65a511ee79e2a41b23726f473478d002064c01c3ce035cffa1229af083d73f1db220fc2f267b9ae31d66ce2e10113548e7abdf8812986ac3c5770a9c","func":{"invoke":["init","write"],"query":["read"]},"git_url":"https://github.com/ibm-blockchain/learn-chaincode/finished","options":{"quiet":true,"timeout":60000,"tls":false},"peers":[{"name":"vp0-vp0...:49155","api_host":"","api_port":49155,"id":"vp0","tls":false}],"timestamp":1470146338831,"users":[],"unzip_dir":"learn-chaincode-master/finished","version":"github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/shim","zip_url":"https://github.com/ibm-blockchain/learn-chaincode/archive/master.zip"}} sdk has deployed code , waited [ibc-js] write  - success: { jsonrpc: '2.0',   result:    { status: 'ok',      message: '8b340e92-f96f-41f6-9b15-6ccb23304360' },   id: 1470146405598 } write response: { jsonrpc: '2.0',   result:    { status: 'ok',      message: '8b340e92-f96f-41f6-9b15-6ccb23304360' },   id: 1470146405598 }     [ibc-js] read  - success: { jsonrpc: '2.0',       error:        { code: -32003,          message: 'query failure',          data: 'error when querying chaincode: error:failed launch chaincode spec(could not deployment transaction c123c14a65a511ee79e2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe7abdf8812986ac3c5770a9c - ledgererror - resourcenotfound: ledger: resource not found)' },       id: 1470146405668 }     read response: null { name: 'query() resp error',       code: 400,       details:        { code: -32003,          message: 'query failure',          data: 'error when querying chaincode: error:failed launch chaincode spec(could not deployment transaction c123c14a65a511ee79e2xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxe7abdf8812986ac3c5770a9c - ledgererror - resourcenotfound: ledger: resource not found)' } } 

i have used ibm blockchain js interacting w/ go contract. below node js code

// step 1 ================================== var ibc1 = require('ibm-blockchain-js'); var ibc = new ibc1(/*logger*/);             //you can pass logger such winston here - optional var chaincode = {};   // ================================== // configure ibc-js sdk // ================================== var options =   {     network:{         peers:   [{             "api_host": "",             "api_port": 49155,             //"api_port_tls": 49157,             "id": "vp4"         }],         users: null,         options: {quiet: true, tls:false, maxretry: 1}     },     chaincode:{         zip_url: 'https://github.com/ibm-blockchain/learn-chaincode/archive/master.zip',         unzip_dir: 'learn-chaincode-master/finished',             git_url: 'https://github.com/ibm-blockchain/learn-chaincode/finished'      } };  // step 2 ================================== ibc.load(options, cb_ready);  // step 3 ================================== function cb_ready(err, cc){                             //response has chaincode functions  chaincode = cc;     console.log(json.stringify(cc));     chaincode.deploy('init', ['hi hyperledger'], null, cb_deployed);   // step 5 ================================== function cb_deployed(){      console.log(json.stringify(chaincode));     console.log('sdk has deployed code , waited');      console.log('******** writing chaincode **********');     chaincode.invoke.write(["mykey","hi ledger systems"],function(err,data){     console.log('write response:', data);     readdata();   }); }    function readdata() {  console.log('\n\n**** waiting 7 seconds before reading **** \n\n'); settimeout(function () {   console.log('\n\n**** start reading **** \n\n');    chaincode.invoke.read(["mykey"],function(err,data){    console.log('read response:', data);   }); }, 7000) }     } 


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