How to show a page only once in mvc -

in app, checking if config file available or not, if it's not want redirect install page.

to me best place accomplish application_start. because it's happening 1 time. if checking in application_start , write response.redirect response not available in context.

i tried other answers in stack overflow redirect in application_start httpcontext.current.response.redirect; none worked me.

i don't want in base controller or filter because checking logic happen every single request.

my goal check once , it's best when app start.

update 1

i added response.redirect application_start got error this:

application start:

    protected void application_start()     {         arearegistration.registerallareas();         filterconfig.registerglobalfilters(globalfilters.filters);         routeconfig.registerroutes(routetable.routes);         bundleconfig.registerbundles(bundletable.bundles);         response.redirecttoroute(             new routevaluedictionary {             { "controller", "home" },             { "action", "about" }         });     } 

but receiving error this:

response not available in context.

description: unhandled exception occurred during execution of current web request. please review stack trace more information error , originated in code.

exception details: system.web.httpexception: response not available in context.

if want avoid having filter run every request after setup can this:

redirectattribute.cs (generic example)

public class redirectattribute : actionfilterattribute {     private readonly string _controller;     private readonly string _action;      public redirectattribute(string controller, string action)     {         _controller = controller;         _action = action;     }      public override void onactionexecuting(actionexecutingcontext filtercontext)     {         if (filtercontext.actiondescriptor.actionname != _action ||             filtercontext.actiondescriptor.controllerdescriptor.controllername != _controller)         {             filtercontext.result = new redirecttorouteresult(                 new routevaluedictionary(new {controller = _controller, action = _action})                 );         }     } } 

in global.asax.cs above "filterconfig.registerglobalfilters(globalfilters.filters);"

if (/*insert logic check if config file not exist*/) {     //replace "setup" , "index" setup controller , action below     globalfilters.filters.add(new redirectattribute("setup", "index")); } 

now, after user has completed setup, can unload app domain:


please note: you need make sure app has permission unload appdomain. if not, can try file.setlastwritetimeutc(...) on configuration file (appdomain.currentdomain.setupinformation.configurationfile.) unload appdomain.

unloading appdomain "restart" web app , call application_start() again. the filter not added requests since if statement determine app has been configured.


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