java - Change bitmap format using glide and BitmapTypeRequest -

don't know how :

how change decodeformat on bitmap want use request :

final bitmaptyperequest<?> request = glide.with(context)             .load(uri)             .asbitmap(); // here should .format(decodeformat.prefer_argb_8888)      final simpletarget target = new simpletarget() {          @override         public void onresourceready(object resource, glideanimation glideanimation) {             memcache.put(namestring, resource);         }     };      // must executed on main thread     context.runonuithread(new runnable() {         public void run() {             request.into(target);         }     }); 

problem : .format(decodeformat.prefer_argb_8888) return bitmaprequestbuilder , need bitmaptyperequest

edit :

this operation works :

 glide.with(context)                 .load(uri)                 .asbitmap()                 .format(decodeformat.prefer_argb_8888)                 .into(imageview);  

but can see cache bitmaps method not use case.

check this guide. need add glidemodule customize builder, , apply trough manifest.


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