php - Symfony 2.8 security setup with LightSamlPhp Bundle - Multiple Login Methods -

i running issue setting authentication in symfony 2.8 saml plugin ( problem: want able login via saml , via going admin page. /admin/login page works fine, see user authenticated database. however, when try go through saml process, land on /discovery page. when see logs, user authenticated. so, think have not correctly in security settings. please let me know if can help

here settings

config/security.yml file:

firewalls: dev: pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/ security: false

    login_firewall:         pattern: ^/saml/login$         anonymous: ~     discovery_firewall:         pattern: ^/saml/discovery$         anonymous: ~      secured_area:         pattern:   ^/         anonymous: ~         light_saml_sp:             provider: db_provider    # user provider name configured in step 9             #user_creator: user_creator  # name of user creator service created in step 10             login_path: /saml/login             check_path: /saml/login_check             default_target_path: /profile          form_login:             login_path: /admin/login             check_path: /admin/login_check             default_target_path: /             remember_me: true         logout:             path:   /logout             target: /           # activate different ways authenticate          # http_basic: ~         #          # form_login: ~         #  access_control:     - { path: ^/, roles: is_authenticated_anonymously }     - { path: ^/login$, roles: is_authenticated_anonymously }     - { path: ^/admin/login$, roles: is_authenticated_anonymously }             - { path: ^/profile, roles: role_user } 


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