office365 - Binding.addHandlerAsync fails when using Add-in Commands -

we have built excel task pane add-in works tables. have code executes on office.initalize , attaches event handlers existing bindings we've created previously. code pretty straightforward (in typescript):

document.bindings.getallasync(null, bindingresult => {     let bindings = <office.binding[]>bindingresult.value;     if (bindings) {         bindings.foreach(b => {             // attach our bindings             if ( == 0)                 me.attachhandler(b);         });     } });  attachhandler = (binding: office.binding) => {      let eventtype = office.eventtype.bindingselectionchanged;     binding.addhandlerasync(         eventtype,         this.onbindingselectionchanged,         null,         asyncresult => this.onhandleradded(eventtype, asyncresult)     ); } 

this code has worked fine in past office online , desktop. however, modified our manifest include add-in command (which opens task pane) modifying sample add-in command manifest. above code fails in office online error:

error: osf.dda.error code: 5001 message:"an internal error has occurred." name:"internal error" status:"failed" 

the same manifest works on office client desktop. , our old manifest not include add-in commands still work on both desktop , online. means seems specific add-in commands + office online. there way around this?

just wanted close loop on question saying bug in office api , has since been fixed.


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