javascript - How to check angularfire authentication status in app.js -

i following angularfire tutorial authenticate users. users able register, signin , signout in app.

when try use resolve check $requiresignin() routes(ui-route), doesn't work.

also, want check user authentication status($onauthstatechanged()) in app.js modules loaded. if there change in authentication, update authentication service( userauth). using ng-show="authdata" / ng-hide="authdata change html logged in elements. after login, of these elements still showing not logged in. think has authentication update status.

if user logged in , try visit login/signup page send them home page.

here app.js

angular   .module('myapp', [     'nganimate',     'ngaria',     'ngcookies',     'ngresource',     'ui.router',     'ngmeta',     'firebase'   ])     .run(["$rootscope", "$state", function($rootscope, $state) {     $rootscope.$on("$statechangeerror", function(event, tostate, toparams, fromstate, fromparams, error) {       if (error === "auth_required") {          $state.go("home");       }      });     }])    .config(['$stateprovider', '$urlrouterprovider', '$locationprovider',    function( $stateprovider, $urlrouterprovider, $locationprovider, ngmetaprovider, $location, userauth) {       $urlrouterprovider.otherwise('/');       $stateprovider         .state('/', {             url: '/',             templateurl: 'views/main.html',             controller: 'mainctrl',             meta: {               'title': 'goaf | next great destination',               'description': 'this description shown in google search results'             }         })       .state('home', {         url: '/home',         templateurl: 'views/home.html',         controller: 'homectrl',         meta: {           'title': 'goaf | next great destination',           'description': 'this description shown in google search results'         },         resolve: {          "currentauth": ["userauth", function(userauth) {           return userauth.$requiresignin();         }]       }      })     }]); 

here controller home page want logged in users:

angular.module('myapp')   .controller('homectrl', ["currentauth", function ($rootscope, $scope, $http, $interval, $location, userauth, dataservice, currentauth) {      $scope.authdata = userauth.isloggedin();    }]); 

and here userauth service file:

angular.module('myapp')   .service('userauth', ["$firebaseauth", function($firebaseauth) {     var firebaseauthobject  = $firebaseauth();      this.login = function(loginemail, loginpassword){         return firebaseauthobject.$signinwithemailandpassword(loginemail, loginpassword);     };      this.isloggedin = function(){          return firebaseauthobject.$getauth();     };      this.signoutuser = function() {       firebaseauthobject.$signout();        console.log('logging out user!');     };    }  ]); 


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